The elimination of Kyriopascha from the cycle of the Revised Julian Calendar is one of the criticisms leveled against those who use that reckoning.
One of the more notable celebrations of Kyriopascha in history was in 1821, the day which also marked the uprising of the Greeks against the Ottoman Turks, leading to Greek independence.
The last Kyriopascha on the Julian calendar was in 1991, which was the year of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The next will be in 2075, 2086 and 2159. The last Kyriopascha on the Gregorian Calendar was in 1951, and the next will be in 2035, 2046 and 2103. There has as yet been no single year in which Kyriopascha was celebrated on both the Julian and Gregorian Calendars, though 232 would have been such a year had the two methods of calculation been in use at that time. The first year in which there will be a Kyriopascha on both the Gregorian and Julian Calendars is 6700, followed by 6779 and 6863.