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Daily Cycle

422 bytes added, 16:32, March 25, 2005
adding sources (need ISBN for STOTS
On the eves of [[First Class Feasts]], [[Second Class Feasts]], and certain [[Third Class Feasts]], a special aggregate, known as the [[All-Night Vigil]], may be served. In such case, the other aggregations may be altered slightly (e.g., including Little Vespers in the Evening Aggregate). Although there is some variance in practice, the All-Night Vigil generally includes at least Great Vespers, Orthros, and First Hour.
== Sources ==
* ''The Liturgikon: The Book of Divine Services for the Priest and Deacon'', Bishop [[Basil (Essey) of Wichita]] (ISBN 0962419001)
* [ Website of the St. Raphael Clergy Brotherhood of the Diocese of Wichita and Mid-America]
* ''The Great Horologion'', Holy Transfiguration Monastery (ISBN 0943405084)
* ''Abridged Typikon'', St. Tikhon’s Seminary

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