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Baptismal names

337 bytes added, 06:20, January 12, 2015
H: Hudson, Hugh, Henry, Hank, Hayley
*Hailey, Haylee Hank (fm) - St [[John]], ''not yet completedor see Henry''.
*Hannah (f) - St Anna, mother of the Theotokos
*Harper (f) - ''not yet completed''
*Harry (m) - ''see Henry or Harold''
*Haydon (m) - St [[Aidan of Lindisfarne]]
*Henry Hayley, Hailey, Haylee (mf) - ''not yet completedclosest is St Lea, ascetic in Rome ([[March 22]]); or, St Leah the wife of Jacob ([[Sunday of the Forefathers]])''*Henry (m) - St Henry of Saint-Germain d'Auxerre ([[June 24]]) []*Heidi (f) - ''not yet completedsee Adelaide''
*Hope (f) - St Hope (daughter of St Sophia)
*Hudson (m) - ''not yet completedsee Hugh or Richard''*Hugh (m) - St Hugh of Rouen ([[Apr 9]]) []
*Hunter (m) - ''not yet completed''
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