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Teoctist (Arapasu) of Romania

77 bytes added, 18:51, August 3, 2007
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His Beatitude '''Teoctist (ArapaşuArăpaşu)''' ([[February 12]], 1915 - – [[July 30]], 2007) was the fifth [[Archbishop]] of Bucharest and [[Patriarch]] of all [[Church of Romania|Romania]]. He was born in the village of Tocileni, Botoşani county, Moldova, to Dumitru and Marghioala Arapaşu Arăpaşu on [[February 7]], 1915. He was [[baptism|baptised ]] with the name ''Toader''.
In 1928 he became a novice at Sihastria Voronei [[hermitage ]] and later at Vorona Monastery, both in Botoşani county. In 1930 he entered the [[monastic ]] [[seminary ]] at [[Neamt Monastery (Moldova, Romania)|Neamţ Monastery]] and in 1935 took monastic vows at Bistriţa-Neamţ Monastery, receiving the name ''Teoctist''. In 1937 he was ordained [[ordain]]ed as [[Deacon|hierodeacon]] and in 1945 as [[Presbyter|hieromonk]]. On [[March 5]], 1950, he was ordained [[bishop]] by Patriarch [[Iustinian (Marina) of Romania|Iustinian]].
On [[September 25]], 1977, he was elected [[Archbishop]] of Iaşi and [[Archbishop|Metropolitan]] of Moldova and Bucovina, and on [[November 19]], 1986, he was enthroned as Archbishop of Bucharest and Patriarch of all Romania.
{{succession | before= ?|title= Bishop of Arad | years= 1962 – 1973 | after= ? }}
{{succession | before= ?|title= Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia| years= 1973 – 1977 | after= ? }}
{{succession | before= ?|title= Archbishop of Iasi Iaşi and Metropolitan of Moldova and Suceava| years= 1977 – 1986 | after= ? }}{{succession | before=[[Iustin (Moisescu) of Romania|Iustin]]|title=Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Hungro-Vlachia, Locum Tenens of Caesarea in Cappadocia, and Patriarch of Romania | years=1986 – 2007| after= Daniel (Interim''interim'')}}
{{end box}}
[[Category:Patriarchs of Romania]]
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