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Jesus Christ

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[[Image:Pantokrator of Sinai.jpg|right|frame|[[Icon]] of our Lord Jesus Christ at [[St. Catherine's Monastery (Sinai)]]]]
Our Lord, God and Savior '''Jesus Christ''' is the [[Incarnation|incarnate ]] Second Person of the [[Holy Trinity]], fully God and fully man, born in time of the [[Theotokos|Virgin Mary]] and begotten from before all time of [[God ]] the Father.
His English name ''Jesus'' is from the Greek Ιησους which is from the Hebrew ''Yeshua'', which means "[[Yahweh]] saves." His title ''Christ'' is from the Greek Χριστος, which is a translation of the Hebrew ''Mashiach'' ("Messiah"), which means "anointed one."
==Immanuel / Emmanuel==
'''Immanuel''' (Hebrew '''עמנו�?ל''' or '''עמנו�?ל''') as found in the Hebrew Text of the [[Book of Isaiah]] of the [[Old Testament]] consists of two Hebrew words: �?ל (''El'', meaning ''God'') and עמנו (''Imanu'', meaning ''with us'') and therefore has the meaning "'''God with us'''." It also appears as Εμμανουηλ (''Emmanuel'') in Isaiah 7:14 of the Greek [[Septuagint]], and is most notably found in [[Gospel of Matthew|Matthew]] 1:23 where this descriptive name is applied to Our Lord and Savior since He is "God with us." :"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name ''Emmanuel'', which being interpreted is, ''God with us''. (Matt. 1:23; KJV) :"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; behold, a [[Theotokos|virgin]] shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name ''Immanuel''. (Isa. 7:14; KJV) ==See also==*[[Christology]]*[[Holy Trinity]]*[[Triadology]]*[[Typology]]  [[Category:Church History]][[Category:Scripture]][[Category:Theology]]

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