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Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate

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Before the Vicariate: typo
===Before the Vicariate===
The initial parishes received into the Orthodox Church as the Western Rite Vicariate did not consist of a new movement invented by the [[Church of Antioch|Antiochian Patriarchate]] or its [[Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America||North American archdiocese]], but rather already had history within Orthodoxy, as Archpriest Paul W.S. Schneirla, Vicar General of the Western Rite, reports:
:The first major approach was made in the late nineteenth century by a Roman Catholic priest, [[John Joseph Overbeck]], who revised the Roman rite to conform to Orthodox standards, a fairly simple operation at that time. His proposal was accepted by the [[Church of Russia|Russian Orthodox]] [[Holy Synod]] and he was encouraged and supported by interested missionary-minded Russians, but by the time of his death in the first decade of Twentieth Century, his movement had not succeeded and his converts were absorbed into Byzantine communities.
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