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Joined 20 years ago
Note: This user represents an "independent" religious group, which may call itself "Orthodox" but is not recognized as an Orthodox jurisdiction by any of the mainstream Eastern Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox churches. Please see Independent Orthodox churches and Episcopi vagantes for more information about groups of this nature.

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H.H. Patriarch Anthony I


I am Patriarch Anthony I, a lowly servant in our Lord's vineyard. I was born and raised Roman Catholic and was on my way into the priesthood when I found myself at odds with some of the Roman Catholic theology. Namely, I could no longer support papal infallibility, clerical celibacy, the rampant Marian worship, their views on contraception (birth control not abortion, 100% pro-life here), and the various scandals I saw in my work in parishes of the Roman Catholic Church.

After much prayer and searching, I was introduced to the Independent Movement. I found a place that accepted me for who I was and were I was spiritually. Not to mention a place that has a wide diversity of beliefs that co-exist.After the Church I was originally with went under, I helped in the formation of the Ancient Apostolic Communion. We are a small church but we believe we are doing what God called us to do.

I came here originally because I saw some spam that need reverting. :) I have stayed for somewhat the same reasons. I hope that I can contribute to some of the articles. Despite the fact that my beliefs conflict with most of the Orthodox here, I think that we can get along and work to build an encyclopedia of Orthodoxy that will make everyone proud. I pray that my work here will help to inspire everyone to greater holiness and service of our God.

You can learn more about the independent movement at Independent Movement Database.

God Bless you all.

Other wikis I contribute to

Contact Information

You can email me at patriarch at taac dot us or message me at yahoo username patriarchanthony.