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Help:Keyboard shortcuts

132 bytes added, 20:59, August 5, 2006
no edit summary
The MediaWiki software employs a series of keyboard shortcuts in order to enable users to perform most of the common editing operations without using alternate input devices (i.e. by only using the keyboard).
This article documents the default (English) shortcuts, and also tries to suggest a workflow for the localized Wikipedias in the pursuit for more appropriate, intuitive shortcuts for their users. Hold [alt] (or [control] on a Mac), then select the shortcut. 
==Default Shortcuts==
<small>The list above is targeted at International/English users, therefore it's ordered by the name of the ''function'', not by the ''key''.</small>
The site's global access keys are in corresponding JavaScript for the skins. For example, the keys for Monobook are in the (protected) page [[MediaWiki:Monobook.js]]. Details about how to change your accesskey can be found at [[meta:Help:User_style#Changing_access_keys]].
==See also==
Bureaucrats, Check users, interwiki, oversight, renameuser, Administrators

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