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130 bytes removed, 17:09, May 20, 2006
Recent changes and stub display: fixed links
Threshold for stub display:
* '''Number of titles on recent changes''': You may select the number of changes which will be shown by default on the [[MediaWiki User's GuideMeta:Help: The Recent Changes pagechanges|Recent Changes]] and [[MediaWiki User's GuideMeta:Help: Using the WatchlistWatching pages|Watchlist]] page. Once on those pages, links are provided for other options.* '''Hide minor edits in recent changes'''. Registered users may choose to mark edits as being minor (meaning fixes too trivial for trusting users to check up on). It applies to [[MediaWiki User's GuideMeta:Help: The Recent Changes pagechanges|Recent Changes]] and [[MediaWiki User's GuideMeta:Help: The enhanced Recent Changes pageEnhanced recent changes|Enhanced Recent Changes]], but not to the [[MediaWiki User's GuideMeta:Help: Using the WatchlistWatching pages|Watchlist]]. It also affects [[MediaWiki User's GuideMeta:Help: The Related Changes functionRecent changes|Related changes]], but currently in an odd way: if the last edit of a page linking to the current page was minor, then neither that nor the last major change is shown.
* '''Enhanced recent changes''' (not for all browsers). Group recent changes per day by article, display the titles of the changed articles in order from new to old latest change, or in the case of hiding minor edits, latest major change.
* '''Threshold for stub display''': see [[Meta:Help:Link#Stub feature|Stub feature]].
==Image display on image description pages==
interwiki, renameuser, Administrators

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