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Talk:Old Calendarists

1,309 bytes added, 17:24, March 17, 2020
Should this page make it more clear that Old Calendarists and The Old Calendar are not the same thing?: new section
"After the death of Metropolitan Chrysostom, the Florinites had no bishops, and Metropolitan Chrysostom advised his flock ...." Who is this second Metropolitan Chrysostom? --[[User:Richardson mcphillips1|Richardson mcphillips1]] 00:46, June 5, 2011 (UTC)
== Should this page make it more clear that Old Calendarists and The Old Calendar are not the same thing? ==
I don't feel knowledgeable enough to make edits on this obviously-sensitive topic myself, but people who seemed to know what they were talking about when I linked to the page in chat suggested:
"Old Calendarist is different than using the old calendar",
"the term Old Calanderist is referring to schismatics within new calendar churches and not the use of the old calendar by all Orthodox",
"There is the calendar issue among the various churches is communion, with the minority (EP) following the New...and the rest on the old. And then the label of Old Calendarist to refer to schismatic churches not in communion with anyone.", and
"Old Calendarists doesn't mean you just want to stay on the Old Calendar. It refers to a specific group that left the Greek church because of the calendar issue.
And instead of going to the Russian church which is on the old calendar, they set up their own schismatic body claiming to be the true church."
IMHO the page as it stands doesn't make this clear to someone, like me, who is near-clueless, that the above statements are correct, if indeed they are.
-[[User:Dclark|Dclark]] ([[User talk:Dclark|talk]]) 17:24, March 17, 2020 (UTC)

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