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Velikoretsky crucession

22 bytes added, 02:27, February 12, 2020
“crucession” is listed as rare by Wiktionary
'''Velikoretsky crucession''' ({{lang-ru|Великорецкий крестный ход}}) or "cross-procession" is procession, which takes place every year in Vyatka [[diocese]] of the [[Church of Russia]] from the city of Kirov to Velikoretskoye settlement and back.
In 1383 on the bank of the Velikaya river a peasant named Semyon Agalakov discovered an [[icon]] of Saint [[Nicholas of Myra|Nicholas]]. When many people were cured from illnesses by praying before the sacred image, the glory of the wonder-making icon spread all over the Vyatka land and beyond its borders. Even before the time when the icon was first taken to Moscow - on the order of [[Ivan IV of Russia |Ivan the Terrible]] in 1555 - the wonder-making image of St. Nicholas was well-known and honored in Russia.

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