updating to reflect recent glorification
Our father among the saints '''Bishop Mardarije''' (secular name '''Ivan Uskoković''', ''Иван Ускоковић''; December 22, 1889 - December 12, 1935; also '''Mardarius''') was the First Serbian Bishop of America and Canada. His feast day is celebrated [[December 12]].
== Biography ==
== Sources ==
* http://www.eserbia.org/people/prosopography/281-bishop-mardarije-uskokovic
*[http://westsrbdio.org/en/latest-news/diocesan-news/959-holy-missionaries-mardarije-uskokovic-and-sebastian-dabovich-newly-proclaimed-as-saints-of-the-orthodox-church Holy Missionaries MARDARIJE (Uskokovic) and SEBASTIAN (Dabovich) Newly Proclaimed Saints of the Orthodox Church!] Western American Diocese of the [[Church of Serbia]].