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Basilica Monument of St. Isidore (Chios)

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The '''basilica Basilica monument of St. Isidore in Chios''' is an Orthodox monument, with the a set of remains of an early Christian [[basilica]] that are partly covered by a small [[church]] with a low roof made with cement roof, . The monument is located in Letsaina Letsena of Chios town on the island of Chios among the GReek Islands in Chiosthe Aegean Sea. The first excavation research Inside the church there is a subterranean vaulted [[crypt]] where the [[relics]] of this site begun by GSs. Soteriou in 1918 and continued by A. Orlandos, in 1928. Excavations were also conducted in the summer [[Isidore of 1981 Chios|Isidore]] and 1982, by the 3rd Ephorate [[Myrope of Byzantine AntiquitiesChios|Myrope]] were once kept.
In ==History==The early basilica of St. Isidore was built on the basilica are preserved mosaic floors decorated with geometric patternsremains of an earlier, and many relief architectural partsRoman structure. Inside According to tradition, the church there is a subterranean vaulted [[crypt]] where was built in the second half of the seventh century, during the [[relics]] reign of emperor Constantine IV of StConstantinople. [[Isidore Evidence from examination of the building is that it was repaired several times In the course of Chios|Isidore]] and Stits long history. [[Myrope of Chios|Myrope]] (who martyred The repairs probably came during the Frankish occupation, in Chios during the Early Christian late Byzantine period) were once kept, and in modern times.
The Early Christian Five architectural phases have been identified, with the earliest dating from the fifth century and the final being its destruction by the earthquake in 1881. During the first phase the basilica of St. Isidore was built on the remains ruins, and incorporating architectural elements, of an earlier, older Roman building. The probably happened in the fifth century. During the second phase the structurewas modified as a three aisle basilica. According to traditionThen, in the church third phase a new, larger three aisle basilica was built. This structure probably was built in the second half of the 7th century, during the reign time of Constantine IV Pogonatos, although this is not supported by archaeological evidence. In the course fourth phase, that may have been related to the earthquake of its long history1389 referred to in the Allatius Codex[], it has undergone several repairsthe church was altered, probably during becoming a cross-shaped structure with a dome and circular apse. The fifth phase saw the addition of a minaret to the center of the northern wall. In the Frankish occupationbasilica are preserved mosaic floors decorated with geometric patterns, in the late Byzantine period and in modern timesmany relief architectural parts. Five architectural phases -  The archaeological effort concerning the earliest basilica of which dates to St. Isidore began with the first excavation on the 5th century - have been distinguished site by G. Soteriou in 1918. This research was continued by A. Orlandos in 1928. Further excavations were conducted in the buildingsummers of 1981 and 1982, which was finally ruined by the earthquake 3rd Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities of the Hellenic Ministry of 1881Culture and Tourism[].
==See also==
*[[Metropolis of Chios]]
*[ Saint Isidore the Martyr of Chios]
*[ Early Christian basilica of St. Isidore]
*[ St. Isidore’s Basilica]
[[Category: Greek Churches]]

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