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Benjamin (Peterson) of San Francisco

97 bytes added, 01:35, September 22, 2011
Responding to external criticism (B-M Drezhlo) that a notable figure lacked public record information. OWiki welcomes contributors.
In 1999, Hieromonk Benjamin was transferred to the [[Diocese of Alaska (OCA)|Diocese of Alaska]]. Initially in Alaska, Hierodeacon Benjamin served as dean of St. Innocent Cathedral in Anchorage, and later he was named administrative dean of [[St. Herman's Orthodox Theological Seminary (Kodiak, Alaska)|St Herman’s Seminary]] in Kodiak. In 2002, he was elevated to the rank of [[archimandrite]]. In January 2004, Archimandrite Benjamin returned to the Holy Virgin Cathedral in Los Angeles as the pastor. While in Los Angeles he was appointed [[Chancellor]] of the Diocese of the West.
In March 2004, Archimandrite Benjamin was elected to the episcopacy by the [[Synod]] of Bishops of the OCA and assigned as [[auxiliary bishop]] in the Diocese of the West. His [[consecration of a bishop|consecration]] as Bishop of Berkeley took place at Holy Trinity Cathedral in San Francisco on [[May 1]], 2004. In November 2004, he was arrested for DUI, after which some degree of rehabilitation took place. After the retirement of Abp. Tikhon of San Francisco in 2007, Bp. Benjamin was elected to the [[see]] of San Francisco. He was installed as ruling bishop on [[October 2]], 2007.
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