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Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia

271 bytes added, 21:18, February 22, 2019
The Episcopacy
The first new parish for many years, St Therapon in Warhoonga, northern Sydney, began services in February 2006. Soon after, [[St. Andrew's Orthodox Press]] published their first book, ''The Divine Liturgy of Our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom'', a bilingual text. See [[#Organisations of the Archdiocese|below]]
Archimandrite [[Iakovos (Tsigounis)]] was elected to be an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Australia, with the title of Bishop of Militoupoleos. Bishop Iakovos is the first Australian-born bishop to serve in Australia, and in the Archdiocese, and the first graduate of St Andrew's Theological College to be made a bishop.
[[Image:Logo of Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia.jpg|thumb|left|Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia]]
== Recent History ==
Archimandrite [[Iakovos (Tsigounis)]] was elected to be an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Australia, with the title of Bishop of Militoupoleos. He will be the first Australian-born bishop to served in the Archdiocese, and the first graduate of St Andrew's Theological College to be made a bishop.
==Ecclesiastical Organisation==
The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia is treated as one single archdiocese with five archdiocesan districts: [[List of parishes in New South Wales|New South Wales]] and the [[List of parishes in the Australian Capital Territory|Australian Capital Territory]]; [[List of parishes in Victoria|Victoria]] and [[List of parishes in Tasmania|Tasmania]]; [[List of parishes in South Australia|South Australia]] and the [[List of parishes in the Northern Territory|Northern Territory]]; [[List of parishes in Queensland|Queensland]] and New Guinea; and [[List of parishes in Western Australia|Western Australia]]. To assist the archbishop, he has a number of assistant bishops - currently three, but in previous times as many as five four - overseeing the !118 [[parish]]es , communities and communities monasteries across Australia.
The Archdiocese also includes 6 [[monasticism|monasteries]]. The largest male monastery is the Holy [[Monastery of Pantanassa (Mangrove, Australia)|Monastery of Pantanassa]] on the Central Coast of New South Wales, and the largest female monastery is the Holy [[Monastery of Gorgoepikoos (Geelong, Australia)|Monastery of Gorgoepikoos]] in Geelong, Victoria.
===Publishing Institutions===
[[St. Andrew's Orthodox Press|St Andrew's Orthodox Press]], established to publish the ''[[To Vema|TO VEMA]]'' newspaper [], ''[[St. Andrew's Greek Orthodox Theological College (Sydney, Australia)#Phronema|Phronema]]'' and ''[[The Voice of Orthodoxy]]'', has recently begun publishing books. The first book, a more permanent Publications range from liturgical books (e.g. the Archdiocese's official translation of the [[Divine Liturgy]], is a sign of more works ) to come, including translations and publications by faculty of the Theological College.
===Philanthropic Institutions===
== The Episcopacy ==
===Current Episcopacy===
* Archbishop [[Stylianos (Harkianakis) of Australia|Stylianos (Harkianakis)]] of Australia.:* Bishop [[Ezekiel (Kefalas) of Dervis|Ezekiel]] of Dervis. Responsible ; responsible for the Second Archdiocesan District of [[List of parishes in Victoria|Victoria]] and [[List of parishes in Tasmania|Tasmania]] (45 46 parishes and communities).:* Bishop [[Seraphim (Ginis) of Apollonias|Seraphim (Ginis)]] of Apollonias. Responsible ; responsible for the First Archdiocesan District of [[List of parishes in New South Wales|New South Wales]] and the [[List of parishes in the Australian Capital Territory|Australian Capital Territory]] (35 38 parishes and communities).:* Bishop [[Nikandros (Palyvos) of Dorileou|Nikandros (Palyvos)]] of Dorileou. Responsible ; responsible for the Third Archdiocesan District of [[List of parishes in South Australia|South Australia]] and the [[List of parishes in the Northern Territory|Northern Territory]] (20 16 parishes and communities), and the Fifth Archdiocesan District of [[List of parishes in Western Australia|Western Australia]] (6 parishes and communities).:**The Archdiocesan Vicar-General Bishop [[Iakovos (Tsigounis) of Militoupolis|Iakovos]] of Militoupolis is also responsible for the Second Archdiocesan District (along with Bp Ezekiel).:''The Fourth Archdiocesan District of [[List of parishes in Queensland|Queensland]] and [[List of parishes in Papua New Guinea |Papua New Guinea]] (12 10 parishes and communities) is V. Rev. Fr. [[Dimitri Tsakas]], cared for by [[Archpriest|Economos]]. ''Bishop-elect [[Iakovos (Tsigounis)Dimitri Tsakas]] was elected Bishop of Militoupolis in January 2011, and will be consecrated in due coursethe Archepiscopal Vicar for this district.''
===Primates in of Australia===
* [[Christoforos (Knitis) of Samos|Christoforos (Knitis)]], Metropolitan of Australia and New Zealand, 1924-1929
* [[Timotheos (Evangelinidis) of Rhodes|Timotheos (Evangelinidis)]], Metropolitan of Australia and New Zealand, 1931-1947
* [[Ezekiel (Tsoukalas) of Pisidia|Ezekiel (Tsoukalas)]], Metropolitan of Australia and New Zealand, 1959; Archbishop of Australia and New Zealand, 1959-1970; Archbishop of Australia, 1970-1974
* [[Stylianos (Harkianakis) of Australia|Stylianos (Harkianakis)]], Archbishop of Australia, 1974-present.
===Auxiliary Bishops formerly in Australia===
* Bishop Aristachus
* Bishop Panteleimon
* Bishop Dionysios
* Bishop Joseph
* Bishop Paul
* Bishop Seraphim
== External links ==
[[fr:Archevêché orthodoxe grec d'Australie]]
[[ro:Arhiepiscopia Ortodoxă Greacă din Australia]]
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