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214 bytes added, 21:17, December 11, 2006
Within the first section, on the first day God created light; on the second, the firmament of heaven; on the third, he separated water and land, and created plant life; on the fourth day he created the sun, moon, and stars; on the fifth day marine life and birds; on the sixth day land animals, and man and woman. On the seventh day, the Sabbath, God rested, and sanctified the day.
The second section of the creation narrative explains that the earth was lifeless, how God brought moisture to the soil and how man was formed from the dust (Adam translates from Hebrew to mean 'Red Earth'). { Consider greatly the effect on any thought of diety begins with an origin, here is that origin for the chosen few who not only accepts but are confirmed of the diety mission and message through or by His Son}
===Adam and Eve===

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