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Alexander Nemolovsky2.jpg
His Eminence the Most Reverend Archbishop Alexander (Nemolovsky) of Brussels was administrator and ruling archbishop of the North American diocese of the Church of Russia, then of the Metropolia, during the time of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and 1922. He then went to Europe and became Archbishop of Brussels.

Abp. Alexander was administrator between the departure of Abp. Platon and the arrival of Abp. Evdokim, and again when Abp. Evdokim returned to Russia for the 1917 council. He took part in the Karlovtsy Synod, where he was confirmed as primate of the Metropolia in North America. But, the collapse of the Church in Russia meant that Alexander was faced with a loss of income from Russia, factionalism, and dissident priests. While the majority of the diocese remained loyal to him and supported his rule, his opposition was too great and he took the opportunity of Abp. Platon's return to the United States to request him to take over as ruling bishop, leaving for Europe in 1922.

Finding himself on Mount Athos for a time, Abp. Alexander then eventually went under Metr. Evlogy (Georgievsky) of Paris, who had broken from the ROCOR and brought his Russian parishes in Western Europe under the Ecumenical Patriarchate. Alexander served from 1929 until 1960 as Archbishop of Brussels and Belgium, first under the Russian Orthodox Exarchate in Western Europe (Church of Constantinople) until 1946, then of the Moscow Patriarchate until his 1960 repose.

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