Saint Catherine Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies
The Saint Catherine Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies is a pan-Orthodox educational organization in the Chicago, Illinois area of the United Staes.
The Institute aims to provide a forum for the study and research of Orthodox thought and practice as well as to promote Orthodox scholarship in fields of academic interest and with respect to issues of our time.
Through its work, this pan-Orthodox Institute aims to be a witness to Orthodox Christianity by advancing appreciation and awareness of Orthodox scholarship.
The Institute is working to realize these goals through a variety of programs, which include:
- regular meetings with academic and research presentations for Institute members;
- an Internet forum for communication among members;
- public lectures, workshops, and symposia in the greater Chicago area; and
- classes that complement existing parish adult education programs.
In the future, the Institute hopes to sponsor a biennial scholarly conference and establish an online journal.
The Institute is an independent organization whose membership is open to all Orthodox Christians with an advanced academic degree or with advanced training and background so as to actively contribute to the programs and goals of the Institute. The Institute also welcomes the participation of non-Orthodox scholars who can so contribute to the Institute.
The Institute serves, conducts activity within, and draws its members from the greater Chicago Metropolitan Area, Illinois, southern Wisconsin, and northern Indiana.
There are three classes of membership within the Institute: Regular, Student, and Affiliate.
Our website
On our website, you will find a list of Forthcoming Orthodox events in the Chicago area, a list of all local Orthodox parishes, a speakers bureau listing our members available to give conferences, retreats, workshops, etc, on a variety of Orthodox topics, the last meeting minutes, and much more. Please visit us at