Arianism was a 4th-century heresy named after Arius (c.250-336), a priest in Alexandria. Arius denied the full deity of the preexistent Son of God who became incarnate ("the Word (Jesus Christ) became flesh" John 1:14 - NKJV). He held that the Son, while divine and like God, was created by God as the agent through whom he created the universe, and that there was a time when the Son was not. The council at Nicaea in 325 led by Athanasius, Pope of Alexandria, condemned Arianism and maintained that Christ was God from God, Light from Light, Very God from Very God, begotten not made (not created), and One in essence with the Father.
Source and further reading
- Fuller RH, Walter VL and Shelley BL: Arianism and Semi-Arianism (General and Advanced Information) - BELIEVE Website
- St. Athanasius of Alexandria
- Encyclopedia of the First Millennium of Christianity 1998 - Second Edition
- Arianism - From Wikipedia