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Sophrony (Sakharov)

259 bytes added, 20:17, December 27, 2005
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*1922: Arrived in Paris. Artistic exhibitions attracted attention of French media.
*1924: Returns to Christianity on Great Saturday. Experiences Uncreated Light, distances himself from his art.
::[[St . Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute (Paris, France)|St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute ]] begins. Sergei among first students.*1925: Finding formal theological study to be unfulfilling, Sergei leaves the Institute and Paris for Mt [[Mount Athos]].*1926: Fr Sophrony arrived at Mt Athos, entering [[St . Panteleimon 's Monastery (the Russian monasteryAthos)|St. Panteleimon Monastery]].*1930: Fr Sophrony ordained to the [[diaconate ]] by St [[Nicholai of Zicha|Nicolai of Zicha]]. Becomes disciple of St [[Silouanthe Athonite]].
*1938: St Silouan reposes. Following St Silouan's instructions, Elder Sophrony left the monastery grounds to reside in the Athonite desert; first at Karoulia, then at a cave near St Paul's Monastery.
*1941: Fr Sophrony ordained to the priesthood[[priest]]hood, and becomes a [[Geronda|spiritual father]].*1947: Circumstances forced Elder Sophrony to move to Paris. He restarts education at St Sergius, but problems with perceptions faculty concerning differences of perception of the [[Church of Russia|Moscow Patriarchate ]] preclude this. He has a major stomach operation on an ulcer and resides in a Russian old-age home, assisting the priest and acting as father confessor.
*1948: Elder Sophrony produces first edition of ''Staretz Silouan'' on hand-roneo.
*1950: Elder Sophrony works with [[Vladimir Lossky ]] on the ''Messager de l’Exarchat du Patriarche Russe en Europe Occidentale'' until 1957.
*1952: Elder Sophrony produces a professional second edition of ''Staretz Silouan''. This book brought much fame to both St Silouan and Elder Sophrony.
*1958: Elder Sophrony had many people living near him and seeking the monastic life. A property at Tolleshunt Knights, Maldon, Essex, England was inspected.
*1959: Community of St John the Baptist formed at Tolleshunt Knights under Metropolitan [[Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh]]. Monastery has both monks and nuns, and numbers six.*1965: Monastery of St John the Baptist moved under the [[Church of Constantinople|Ecumenical Patriarchate]]'s omophorion. Later, the Ecumenical Patriarchate would upgrade the Monastery to Stavropegic.
*1973: Publication of a more complete translation of ''Monk of Mt Athos'' (the life of St Silouan).
*1975: Publication of ''Wisdom of Mt Athos'' (the writings of St Silouan).
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