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Theodosius (Nagashima) of Japan

1 byte added, 18:22, February 9, 2012
In 1972, Archbishop Vladimir, wishing to retire, had submitted his resignation. At a council Theodosius was elected the successor to Metropolitan Vladimir. [[Patriarch]] Pimen of Moscow, as the Church of Japan had become autonomous under the [[Church of Russia]] in 1970, approved the election on [[March 22]], 1972. Thus, Theodosius became the first native Japanese ruling bishop of the [[Church of Japan]] as ''Archbishop of Tokyo and Metropolitan of All Japan''.
Under the guidance of Metropolitan Theodosius, the Church of Japan continued its course of stabilization and growth through the rest of the twentieth century. He died on [[May 9]], 1999, to be succeeded by Metropolitan [[Daniel (Nushiro) of Japan]][ ] The Orthodox Church of Japan].
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