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Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) of Simferopol and Crimea

Revision as of 02:39, November 4, 2008 by Angellight 888 (talk | contribs)
Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) of Simferopol
Saint Luke, Bishop of Simferopol and Crimea, the Blessed Surgeon, was born Valentin Felixovich Voino-Yasenetsky, April 14, 1877 and died June 11, 1961.

Doctor of Medicine, Professor, and State Prize winner, since 1944 he was the Archbishop of Tambov and Michurinsk, and later of Simferopol and the Crimea. While he was serving the church as an Archbishop, he was also practising as a surgeon and taught and published many books and articles on regional anesthesia and surgery. He is known to be a world-famous pioneering surgeon.

In November of 1995 he was announced as a Saint by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and was officialy glorified by the Patriarchate of Russia May 25, 1996. He is commemorated by the church June 11 the anniversary of his falling asleep in the Lord.


Living in the Ukraine during the oppressive period of communism, St. Luke stood out among his fellow physicians both as a surgeon and as a Christian. Even the communists coveted his talents for healing the body.

As a physician, he practised in a number of district hospitals in central Russia, serving as head physician in the Tashkent urban hospital and as a professor at Central Asia University. In the early 1920s he took vows and was ordained as a bishop. After his consecration as a Bishop he was arrested and tortured many times and sent into exile for his views and unwillingness to deny his faith in Christ. During his life he published 55 scientific works on surgery and anatomy, winning the state prize in 1946.[1]

He wore his bishop's cassock in the operating room and refused to perform surgery without an icon. Through all of this St. Luke remained faithful to God to the end of his earthly life (+1961). The relics of St. Luke are kept at Ss. Peter & Paul Cathedral, Holy Trinity Convent of the Simferopol and Crimean Diocese.

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The Saints last words

In Russian

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In Greek (translation)

Παιδιά μου πολύ σας παρακαλώ,
Ντυθείτε με την πανοπλία που δίνει ο θεός για να μπορέσετε να αντιμετωπίσετε τα τεχνάσματα του διαβόλου.
Δεν μπορείτε να φανταστείτε πόσο πονηρός είναι.
Δεν έχουμε να παλέψουμε με ανθρώπους, αλλά με αρχές και εξουσίες δηλαδή με τα πονηρά πνεύματα.
"Τον διάβολο δεν τον συμφέρει να δέχθεί κανείς την ύπαρξη του να σκέφτεται και να αισθάνεται οτι είναι κοντά στον άνθρωπο.
Ενας κρυφός και άγνωστος εχθρός είναι πιό επικίνδυνος από έναν ορατό εχθρό.
Ο πόσο μεγάλος και τρομερός είναι ο στρατός των δαιμόνων.
Πόσο αμέτρητο είναι το μαύρο τους πλήθος!
Αμετάβλητα,ακούραστα,μέρα και νύχτα,επιδιώκουν να σπρώξουν όλους εμάς που πιστεύουμε στο όνομα του Χρηστού,να μας παρασύρουν
στό δρόμο της απιστίας της κακίας και της ασέβειας.
Αυτοί οι αόρατοι εχθροί του Θεού,εχουν βάλει ως μοναδικό τους σκοπό μέρα και νύχτα να επιδιώκουν την καταστροφή μας.
Όμως μη φοβάστε,πάρτε δύναμη απο το όνομα του Ιησού"

In English (translation)

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Further Reading

  • NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 6161 Vojno-Yasenetsky (1971 TY2). (Main-belt Asteroid 6161, discovered on Oct. 14 1971 by L.I. Chernykh at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, was named in memory of Valentin Feliksovich Vojno-Yasenetsky (1877-1961), surgeon and bishop)

External links

In French

In Greek


  1. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 6161 Vojno-Yasenetsky (1971 TY2).
