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Dismas the thief

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According to the [[Holy Scripture|Scriptures]], [[Christ]] crucified along with two others yet none of the gospel's actually name them. The [[Gospel of Luke]] describes one of these thiefs as "penitent", who was later assigned the name '''Dismas''' in the the [[Gospel of Nicodemus]]. The name of "Dismas" was adapted from a Greek word meaning "sunset" or "death." The other thief's name is given as Gestas. The apocryphal Arabic Infancy Gospel calls the two thieves "Titus and Dumachus", and adds a tale about how Titus (the good one) prevented the other thieves in his company from robbing Mary and Joseph during their Flight into Egypt. In the Russian tradition the Good Thief's name is ''Rakh''.
Patriarch [[Theophilus of Alexandria]] (385-412) wrote a Homily on the Crucifixion and the Good Thief, which is classic Coptic literature. In the Eastern Orthodox Church one of the hymns of Good Friday, commemorating the Crucifixion of [[Jesus Christ]] and his death at [[Golgotha]], is entitled, The Good Thief (or The Wise Thief, Church Slavonic: ''Razboinika blagorazumnago''), and speaks of how Christ granted Dismas Paradise. There are also several moving compositions of this hymn which are used by the [[Church of Russia|Russians]] and form one of the highlights of the Matins service on Good Friday.
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