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Victor (Svyatin) of Krasnodar and Kuban

3 bytes added, 18:51, June 21, 2009
On [[November 3]], 1929, Fr. Victor was elevated to the dignity of [[archimandrite]] by [[Innocent (Figurosky) of Beijing|Metr. Innocent]] of the Beijing mission. On [[November 6]], 1932, Fr. Victor was consecrated Bishop of Shanghai by Abp. Simon of the Beijing mission. Upon Abp. Simon’s repose in 1933, Bishop Victor was appointed in his place as Bishop of Beijing and China. In September 1938, Bp. Victor was raised to the dignity of Archbishop.
In 1945, after the end of World War II, Abp. Victor restored relations with the Moscow Patriarchate. On [[August 17]], 1950, he was named the Patriarchal [[Exarch]] of the Eastern Exarchate of the Moscow Patriarchate. With the establishment of a communist government in China, the Beijing mission and the Moscow Patriarchate began to consolidate the various eparchies and groups in northern China. Also, under pressures from the communist Chinese authorities, the expatriate Russian people living in China began to leave the country. Thus, the exarchate lost most of its [[congregation ]] and funding in China. The Chinese governmental authorities were interested in forming the various Russian church entities into an autonomous Chinese Church. Bp. Victor, in coordination with the Moscow Patriarchate, endeavored to accomplish setting up the autonomous church.
By May 1956, all the church property had been transferred to the Chinese and Soviet embassy authorities. All Russian clergy had also emigrated, leaving the church in China to the Chinese [[clergy]]. As the last senior Russian clergyman, on [[May 26]], 1956, he left China for the Soviet Union where he was appointed Archbishop of Krasnodar and Kuban. On [[May 20]], 1961, Abp. Victor was raised to the rank of [[Metropolitan]].

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