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Church of Antioch

99 bytes added, 14:26, July 28, 2005
The Antiochian Church Today: added photo
===The Antiochian Church Today===
[[Image:Ignatius Hazim.jpg|right|thumb|200px|[[Ignatius IV (Hazim) of Antioch|Patr. Ignatius IV]]]]
The [[St. John of Damascus Patriarchal Institute of Theology (Tripoli, Lebanon)]] was established by the patriarchate in 1970, and in 1988 it was fully incorporated into the University of Balamand. The Institute functions as the primary seminary for theological schooling for the patriarchate's clergy and lay leaders.
Patriarch Ignatius has also overseen participation in a bilateral commission with the [[Melkite Greek Catholic Church]], which is exploring ways of healing the 18th century schism and returning the Melkites to Orthodoxy. In an unprecedented event, the Meklite Patriarch Maximos V addressed a meeting of the Orthodox Holy Synod of Antioch in October of 1996. In May of 1997, the Holy Synod met and declared that the whole [[Pascha]]ltide period is to be observed festally, thus balancing the lengthy fasting of [[Great Lent]] with an equal non-fasting period in celebration of the Resurrection of [[Jesus Christ]].
This decision, the diplomatic activities, and other moves by Patriarch Ignatius and the Holy Synod have drawn criticism from some elements within the mainstream Orthodox Church and particularly from "resistance" groups who have walled themselves off from communion with most of world Orthodoxy. Of the churches receiving criticism for alleged "[[ecumenism]]", Antioch has received probably the greatest amount.
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