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[[Image:Insidestjoesbrighter.jpg|thumb|A Ukrainian Iconostas with two tiers in the Modern Kozak Style]]An '''iconostasis''' (also '''iconostas''' or '''icon screen''') is a screen or wall which serves as a stable support for [[icon]]s and marks the boundary between the [[nave]] and the [[altar]] or sanctuary. The term can also refer to a folding, portable set of icons. There has been historically and continues to be a vast range of styles for iconostases: Some are simply two icons of the [[Theotokos]] and the [[Jesus Christ|Lord]]; the most complex, cathedral icon screens have multiple tiers with many icons per tier. The iconostasis is perhaps the most distintive feature of [[Byzantine rite]] churches. It evolved from the Byzantine templon, originally a small rail without icons that marked the boundary between the nave and the altar. == Typical layout ==A number of guidelines or [[rubrics]] govern which icons are on which parts of the iconostasis, although there is some room for variation. There are also guidelines for who should enter or leave the altar by which door. These guidelines were developed over the course of many centuries, with both theologically symbolic and practical reasons for them. Though they vary in size, shape and number of icons, the following is a basic layout of an icon screen which one might find in typical [[parish]] [[church]]. [[Image:Iconscreen.png|center|Typical layout of an icon screen]] #An icon of the [[Theotokos]] with the [[Jesus Christ|Lord]]. This indicates the beginning of the end of time, the time of our salvation.#An icon of The Lord, usually as All-ruler (''[[Pantocrator]]''), the just judge of all our works. This indicates the end of all time, the awesome day of judgment.#Icon of Saint John, the Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptizer of the Lord.#Icon of the patron of the temple, or of its patronal feast.#The [[Royal Doors|Holy Doors]] (or the Royal Doors). These usually are a [[diptych]] of the [[Annunciation]]. Sometimes they may also have the icons of the four [[evangelist]]s.#North door (the north and south doors are often called "deacon's doors"). This will usually depict a deacon, usually St. Stephen the Protomartyr, or an archangel, usually St. Michael.#South door. The same as above, though if a [[deacon]] is depicted, it is usually St. Philip or St. Lawrence, and if an [[archangel]], usually St. Gabriel.#These icons (when present) are usually [[saint]]s especially near to a parish or nation, such as Ss. [[Nicholas of Myra]], [[George the Trophy-bearer]], Demetrius the Myrrh-streaming, [[Sergius of Radonezh]], [[Apostle Andrew|Andrew the First-called]], [[Herman of Alaska]], or [[Seraphim of Sarov]].#This is usually the icon of the Mystical Supper, the last supper our Lord ate with his friends and wherein he instituted the Eucharist. If there is a second tier, it will usually contain icons of the Twelve [[Great Feasts]]. Other tiers will depict the patriarchs, prophets and apostles. ==See also==*[[:Category:Iconostasis|Images of Iconostases]] [[Category:Liturgical objects]][[Category:Church architecture]] [[fr:Iconostase]][[ro:Iconostas]][[bg:Иконостас]]LOL INTERNET

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