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83 bytes added, 12:29, February 3, 2005
[[Image:Theotokos of Vladimir.jpg|right|frame|The Holy Theotokos and Virgin Mary]]
The '''Virgin Mary''' is the '''Theotokos''', the mother of [[Jesus Christ]], the Son and [[Logos|Word]] of God. She conceived by the power of the [[Holy Spirit]]. She was cared for by her betrothed husband, [[Joseph the Betrothed|Joseph]], who took the child and his mother into his home as his own. One very strong tradition in the [[Orthodox Church]] holds that the birth of [[Jesus Christ|Jesus]] was also miraculous and left Mary's virginity intact as a sign; it is also a tradition of the [[Orthodox Church|Church]] that Joseph and Mary did not have relations after the birth of [[Jesus Christ|Jesus]].
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