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Talk:Lazar (Puhalo) of Ottawa

2 bytes removed, 02:37, December 22, 2007
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:The free serbs did not separate from the Serbian Patriarch until the 70's, and so communism was not the primary issue. They were also not recognized by anyone as being anything other than schismatic. I'll see what I can find about the depositions... but did Lazar's secretary have any evidence that he was released by the Free Serbs? That should be fairly easy for them to prove, if true. [[User:Frjohnwhiteford|Frjohnwhiteford]] 18:32, December 21, 2007 (PST)
::I didn't push it for documentation. Let's go with "innocent until proven guilty" here. Better to assume the best of people. About the Free Serbs, aren't they now the New Gracianica diocese and in full communion with the Patriarchate? If so, it would seem, at least, that a fuller discussion is needed and that the situation is more complex than straightforward schism, no? — [[User:FrJohn|<b>FrJohn</b>]] ([ talk])
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