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Nikodemus I of Pec

242 bytes added, 03:40, May 22, 2007
{{english}}Our father amont the [[saint]]s '''Nikodim''' (also ''Nikodemus'' or Nicodemus, Serbian '''Свети Никодим архиепископ српски''') was [[archbishop]] of Peć from 1317 to 1326. This holy hierarch was a relative of the sainted King Stefan Uroš II Milutin Nemanjić. He was elected archbishop on [[Ascension]], [[May 12]], 1317. When Saint [[Daniel II of Pec|Danilo]] gave up his position as [[igumen]] of [[Chilandari Monastery (Athos)|Hilandar Monastery]], Nikodim, his disciple, succeeded him.
Our father amont the saints Nikodim ('''Свети Никодим архиепископ српски''') Once when he was archbishop of Peć from 1317 to 1326. This Holy Hierarch was relative of Saint king Stefan Uroš II Milutin Nemanjić. He was elected Archibishop on [[Ascension]]an igumen, he attended a [[May 12]], 1317. When Saint [[Daniel II of PecLiturgy|DaniloDivine Service]] gave up position of [[igumen]] of Hilandar, Nikodim, his disciple succeded him.When he was, as igumen, he in Constantinople he which was atending Divine service who were serving served by the Patriarchs of Antioch and Jerusalim acordin typikon Jerusalem according to the [[Typikon]] of [[Sabbas the Sanctified|Saint Sabbas]]. He was impressed , and when was elected archbishop he decide decided to translate this typikon in into Serbian. This was the first complet complete typikon in the Serbian church. He was very dedicated to the cult of Saint [[Sava of Serbia|Sava]]. Saint Nikodim was forced to with some heretics who were forignersforeign [[heretic]]s. As archbishop he coronated Saint Stefan Uroš III "''King of Serbia and the Coastlands''", on [[January 6]] , 1324. St. Nikodim explined explained in the prologue of his Translation of Saint SabasSabbas' Typikon that he wants wanted to continue work of St. [[Sava of Serbia|Sava]] , who was entroducing had introduced the practice of the [[Church of Jerusalem]]. St Nikodim died on [[May 12]] , 1324.
He built church the Church of Saint Demetrius in Pec Monastery. Nikodim was a good and capable hyerarchhierarch. He was canonised canonized in the last decad decade of XIV the 14th century. Bishop Marko wrote a ''Service to Saint Nikodim''honoring the saint.
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