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Sign of the Cross

22 bytes added, 11:46, May 14, 2007
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[[Image:Hill of Crosses.jpg|right|thumb|The Hill of Crosses in Lithuania cointains contains thousands of copies of the foremost symbol of the Faith.]]
The '''Sign of the Cross''' is a symbolic ritual gesture which marks the four points of the [[Cross]] on [[Golgotha|Calvary]] over one's body. It also represents loving [[God]] with all one's heart, soul, mind and strength. The sign of the cross is most often made at the name of the [[Holy Trinity]], to show reverence for a saint, holy object, or person, at the beginning or end of a prayer, to show humility or agreement, or on numerous other occasions which may vary slightly according to regional/ethnic practice or personal piety. Some Orthodox may make the sign of the cross a hundred or more times during a [[Divine Liturgy]] or lengthy service.
* [ The Fathers on the Sign of the Cross] (Traditional Catholic)
* [ On making the Sign of The Cross]([[Old Believers]])
[[Category:Church Life]]
[[ro:Semnul crucii]]
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