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Western Rite

1 byte added, 01:14, March 2, 2005
[[Image:Kovalesky-Maximovitch.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Bp. [[Jean (Kovalesky) of Saint-Denis]] and St. [[John Maximovitch]] in 1964]]
In 1937, the [[Church of Russia]] received a small group under the former Liberal Catholic bishop, Louis-Charles (Irén&eacuteeeacute;e) Winnaert (1880-1937), dubbing them ''l'Eglise Orthodoxe Occidentale'' ("Western Orthodox Church"). The work of Winnaert was continued, though not without some occasional conflict, by [[Jean (Kovalesky) of Saint-Denis|Evgraph Kovalesky]] (1905-1970) and Lucien Chambault (later known as ''Pére Denis''), the latter of which oversaw a small Orthodox Benedictine community in the rue d'Alleray in Paris. Also associated with them was the former Benedictine monk, Archimandrite Alexis van der Mensbrugghe (1899-1980), who favorably viewed the restoration of the ancient Roman rite cleansed of medieval accretions and supplemented by Gallican and Byzantine interpolations. In 1948, he published his ''Liturgie Orthodoxe de Rite Occidental'' and in 1962 the ''Missel Orthodoxe Rite Occidental''.
After 1946, the [[Orthodox Church of France|Eglise Orthodoxe de France]] was developed by Kovalesky specifically with the intention to restore the ancient [[Gallican Rite|Gallican usage]] of the pre-[[Charlemagne|Carolingian]] Roman rite, basing his work on the letters of St. [[Germanus of Paris|Germanus]], a 6th century [[bishop]] of Paris. During this troubled period, the Orthodox community in Paris went through several [[jurisdiction]] changes, but eventually Fr. Alexis returned to the [[Church of Russia]] and was consecrated to the episcopacy in 1960, continuing his Western Rite work under the auspices of the Moscow Patriarchate.
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