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Mark the Ascetic

156 bytes added, 06:32, May 13, 2006
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On one occasion, when weeping over a hyena's blind whelp, he prayed to God and the whelp received its sight. In thanksgiving the mother hyena brought him a sheepskin. The [[saint]] forbade the hyena in the future to kill any more sheep belonging to poor people. He received [[Eucharist|Communion]] at the hands of [[angels]]. His [[homily|homilies]] concerned such topics as the spiritual law, repentance, sobriety, and are ranked among the preeminent literature of the Church. These works were praised by the [[Patriarch]] [[Photius the Great]] himself.
"Do not seek the perfection of the law in human virtues, for it is not found perfect in them. Its perfection is hidden in the Cross of Christ."
== Source ==
renameuser, Administrators

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