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Church of Romania

34 bytes added, 00:28, May 12, 2006
Unique features
===Unique features===
The Romanian Orthodox Church is one of only two [[autocephaly|autocephalous]] or [[autonomy|autonomous]] Orthodox churches using a Romance language as a principal liturgical language<!-- (the other one is :name:) -->.
Byzantine religious records also mention a unique form of [[bishop|bishopric]] in the region&mdash;namely the ''[[chorepiscopos|chorepiscopate]]'' or ''countryside episcopacy''&mdash;as contrasted with the better-known religious centers in large cities. This office can be compared to the abbot-bishops of Ireland, who united the functions of countryside [[abbot]] with that of [[diocese|diocesan]] [[bishop]] in another country that did not emphasize an urban episcopate, at least for a time.
renameuser, Administrators

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