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Nicholas (Karpov) of London

8 bytes added, 19:51, November 15, 2012
On [[June 30]], 1929, he had his [[consecration of a bishop|consecration]] as Bishop of London, vicar of the Diocese of Western European. For his consecration Metropolitan [[Anthony (Khrapovitsky) of Kiev]], Archbishop [[Seraphim (Lukyanov) of Western Europe|Seraphim (Lukyanov)]] of Western Europe and [[Theophanes (Gavrilov) of Kursk]], Bishop [[Tikhon (Liaschenko) of Berlin]] and a number of priests arrived from Serbia. He became the first Orthodox bishop consecrated in England since the great [[schism]] of eleveth century.
He died on [[October 11 ]] (September 28 by old style), 1932 in Belgrade, where he arrived to attend the Council of Bishops. He was buried in Belgrade New Cemetery on the wall of the [[chapel ]] at the Iberian icon of St. [[Nicholas of Myra]].
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