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OrthodoxWiki:Style Manual

169 bytes added, 22:31, January 10, 2005
Reworded opener
This is the official OrthodoxWiki '''Style Manual'''. Refer to it when writing new articles or editing existing ones. It is officially in '''in effect''' but still under development. Articles and links should conform to the following standards. The purpose of this '''Style Manual''' is to maintain consistency throughout '''OrthodoxWiki'''.
Please don't be intimidated by these guidelines. Your contributions are welcome even if they do not perfectly conform to what's below. These guidelines are meant to channel—not impede—your efforts! We trust that if the violation is glaringIf what you contribute doesn't conform precisely to these guidelines, it will no doubt they'll be fixed in timehoned to do so by other members of the community.
interwiki, renameuser, Administrators

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