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Metropolis of Filippoi, Neapolis and Thasos

8 bytes added, 01:27, December 16, 2011
Acts (16:11)
As recorded in chapter sixteen of the [[Acts of the Apostles]](16:11), it was in Neapolis that the [[Apostle Paul]] and his [[disciple]]s [[Apostle Silas|Silas]], [[Apostle Timothy|Timothy]], and [[Apostle Luke|Luke]] first arrived in Europe. In the year 49 in Philippi, Paul preached for the first time in Europe and established the first European Christian community. Subsequently, he visited the city again in 56 and 57.
The first [[church]] attested in Neapolis was a small building that was probably originally a small prayer house. Around 343, a [[basilica]] dedicated to Paul was built, as identified by a mosaic on the pavement. During the later centuries, the town possessed a [[cathedral]] that at the time rivaled the churches in [[Constantinople]].

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