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4 bytes added, 19:33, May 15, 2011
The holy '''Sansala''' the Confessor was a [[priest]] from the Buzău valley in Romania and the spiritual father of the Great-martyr [[Sava the Goth]]. He and Sava carried out [[missionary ]] work in the area around Buzău, converting many pagan Dacians and Goths to Christianity.
In 372, Sansala and Sava were captured by the soldiers of King Athanaric of the Goths who had begun a great persecution of Christians. Both of the [[saints]] were ordered to sacrifice to idols and tortured upon their refusal to do so. St. Sansala courageously endured these tortures and was eventually released, but his [[chanter]] St. Sava was condemned to death and drowned in the River Buzău.

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