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Timeline of Saints

782 bytes added, 08:09, May 28, 2009
Apostolic Era (30-100): 69, 78,79,80
*67 ''c,'' [[Apostle Paul|Paul]], founder of the Church of Rome, beheaded in Rome;
*68 [[Basilissa and Anastasia]] martyrs in Rome <ref>Source:[[w:Basilissa and Anastasia]]</ref>
*69 Domnina and companions, <ref>A virgin martyred in Terni in Italy at the same time as Bishop Valentine.</ref> [[April 14]].
*78 [[Candida the Elder]], <ref>An aged woman who welcomed the Apostle Peter in Naples and was miraculously healed by him. In her turn she convered St. [[Aspren of Naples|Aspren]] who became the first Bishop of Naples.</ref> [[September 4]].
*79 Linus, <ref>The first Pope of Rome. A disciple of the Apostle Paul, he was one of the Seventy and is mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:21. He was bishop for twelve years and is venerated as a martyr.</ref> [[January 4]].
*80 Perpetua, <ref>A matron from Rome baptised by the Apostle Peter who converted her husband and her son, St. Nazarius. Her relics are enshrined in Milan and Cremona in Italy.</ref> [[August 4]].
*90-96 (2nd) Persection of Christians under Emperor Domitian.
*90 Onesimus, <ref>The slave who ran away from his master Philemon and was converted by St. Paul in Rome and was the occasion of the Apostle's letter to Philemon.</ref> [[February 16]]; Birillus, bishop of Catania (Sicily), <ref>By tradition he was consecrated first Bishop of Catania in Sicily by the Apostle Peter, with whom he had travelled from Antioch. He reposed in extreme old age.</ref> [[March 21]]; Romulus and companions, <ref>By tradition ordained by the Apostle Peter as first pastor of Fiesole, he was martyred with several companions under Domitian</ref> [[July 6]]; Nicomedes, <ref>By tradition he was a priest martyred in Rome, perhaps under Domitian.</ref> [[September 15]]; Rufus of Rome, <ref>The disciple that St. Paul greets in Romans 16:13.</ref> [[November 21]].

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