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Timeline of Church History

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Late Byzantine era (843-1453): (more)
*1268 Egyptian Mamelukes capture Antioch.
*1269 Orthodox patriarch returns to Antioch after a 171-year exile and usurpation by Latin patriarch.
*1270 [[w:Eighth Crusade|Eighth Crusade]] launched by King [[w:Louis IX of France|Louis IX]] of France.
*1271-72 [[w:Ninth Crusade|Ninth Crusade]] led by [[w:Edward I of England|Prince Edward]] of England to Acre, considered to be the last of the medieval Crusades to the Holy Land.
*1274 Second [[Council of Lyons]] held, proclaiming union between the Orthodox East and the Roman Catholic West, but generally unaccepted in the East.
*1275 Unionist Patriarch of Constantinople [[John XI Beccus of Constantinople|John XI Beccus]] elected to replace Patriarch [[Joseph I Galesiotes of Constantinople|Joseph I Galesiotes]], who opposed [[Council of Lyons]]; 26 martyrs of Zographou monastery on [[Mount Athos|Mt. Athos]], martyred by the Latins.
*ca. 1280 ''[[w:Kebra Nagast|Kebra Nagast]]'' ("Book of the Glory of Kings") compiled, a repository of Ethiopian national and religious feelings.
*1281 [[w:Pope Martin IV|Pope Martin IV]] authorizes a Crusade against the newly re-established [[Byzantine Empire]] in Constantinople, excommunicating Emperor [[Michael VIII Palaiologos]] and the Greeks and renouncing the union of 1274; French and Venetian expeditions set out toward Constantinople but are forced to turn back in the following year.
*1287 Last record of [[Western Rite]] Monastery of Amalfion on [[Mount Athos|Mount Athos]].
*1291 Fall of Acre; end of crusading in Holy Land.
*1298 [[Ambrose of Milan|Ambrose]], [[Augustine of Hippo|Augustine]], [[Jerome]], and [[Gregory the Dialogist|Pope Gregory I]] are named collectively as the first Great [[w:Doctor of the Church|Doctors]] of the Western Church.
*1302 Papal Bull ''[[w:Unam sanctum|Unam Sanctum]]'' issued by Pope [[Boniface VIII of Rome|Boniface VIII]] proclaims Papal supremacy.
*1326 Metr. [[Peter of Moscow|Peter]] moves his see from Kiev to Vladimir and then to Moscow.
*1309 Rhodes falls to the [[w:Knights Hospitaller|Knights of St. John]], who establish their headquarters there, renaming themselves the "Knights of Rhodes."
*1311-12 Council of Vienne in the Roman Catholic Church disbands the Knights Templar.
*1332 [[w:Amda Seyon I of Ethiopia|Amda Syon]], Emperor of Ethiopia begins his campaigns in the southern Muslim provinces, allowing for the spread of Christianity to frontier areas.
*1336 [[Meteora]] in Greece established as a center of Orthodox [[monasticism]].
*1338 [[Gregory Palamas]] writes ''Triads in Defense of the Holy Hesychasts'', defending the Orthodox practice of [[hesychasm|hesychast spirituality]] and the use of the [[Jesus Prayer]].
*1341-47 Byzantine civil war between John VI Cantacuzenus (1347–54) and John V Palaeologus (1341–91).
*1341-51 Three sessions of the [[Ninth Ecumenical Council]] held in Constantinople, affirming [[hesychasm|hesychastic]] theology of [[Gregory Palamas]] and condemning rationalistic philosophy of [[Barlaam of Calabria]].
*1342 Patriarchate of Antioch transferred to Damascus under [[Ignatius II of Antioch|Ignatius II]].
*1344 Death of [[w:Amda Seyon I of Ethiopia|Amda Syon]], Emperor of Ethiopia.
*1349 Prince [[Stephen Dushan]] of Serbia assumes the title of ''Tsar'' (Caesar); principality of [[w:Galicia (Central Europe)|Galicia]] (Halitsh) comes under Polish control.
*1352 Death of [[w:Ewostatewos|Ewostatewos]] (Eusthathius), Ethiopian monk and religious leader.
*1353 Death of Sergius and Herman, Abbots of [[Valaam Monastery|Valaam]].
*1354 Ottoman Turks make first settlement in Europe at Gallipoli.
*1359 Death of [[Gregory Palamas]].
*1360 Death of [[John Koukouzelis]] the Hymnographer.
*1365 Crusaders under Latin King [[w:Peter I of Cyprus|Peter I of Cyprus]] sack Alexandria, Egypt.
*1378 Death of [[Alexis of Moscow]].
*1379 Western Great Schism ensues, including simultaneous reign of three Popes of Rome.
*ca. 1380 English Church reformer John Wyclif writes that the true faith is preserved only in the East, "among the Greeks."
*1382-95 [[w:Wyclif's Bible|First English Bible]] translated by John Wyclif.
*1383 [[Stephen of Perm]], missionary to Zyrians, consecrated bishop; appearance of [[Theotokos of Tikhvin]] icon.
*1385 [[w:Union of Krewo|Kreva Agreement]] provides for conversion of Lithuanian nobles and all pagan Lithuanians to Roman Catholicism, joining Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the Kingdom of Poland through a dynastic union.
*1387 [[w:Christianization of Lithuania|Lithuania converts to Roman Catholicism]], while most [[w:Ruthenians|Ruthenian]] lands (Belarus and Ukraine) remain Orthodox.
*1389 Serbs defeated by Ottoman Turks of Sultan Murad I at the battle of Kosovo Polje; death of [[Lazar of Serbia|Lazar]], prince of Serbia.
*1390 Ottomans take [[w:Alaşehir|Philadelphia]], last significant Byzantine enclave in Anatolia.
*1391-98 Ottoman Turks unsuccessfully besiege Constantinople for the first time.
*1410 Iconographer [[Andrei Rublev]] paints his most famous icon depicting the three angels who appeared to Abraham and Sarah, the angels being considered a type of the [[Holy Trinity|Holy Trinity]].
*1414-18 Council of Constance in Roman Catholic Church represents high point for [[w:Conciliarism|Conciliar Movement]] over authority of pope.
*1417 End of Western Great Schism at the [[Council of Constance]].
*1418 Latin monk [[w:Thomas à Kempis|Thomas à Kempis]] authors ''[[w:The Imitation of Christ (book)|The Imitation of Christ]]''.
*1422 [[w:Siege of Constantinople (1422)|Second unsuccessful Ottoman siege]] of Constantinople.
*1423-24 [[w:Council of Siena|Council of Siena]] in the Roman Catholic Church was the high point of [[w:Conciliarism|conciliarism]], emphasizing the leadership of the bishops gathered in council, but the conciliarism expressed there was later branded as a heresy.
*1439 Ecclesiastical reunion with West attempted at [[Council of Florence]], where only [[Mark of Ephesus]] refuses to capitulate to demands of delegates from Rome.
*1440-41 Encyclical Letter of [[Mark of Ephesus]].
*1444 ''[[Donation of Constantine]]'' proved forgery.
*1448 [[Church of Russia]] unilaterally declares its independence from the [[Church of Constantinople]]; [[w:Vatican Library|Vatican Library]] formally established by Pope Nicholas V.
*1452 Unification of Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches in Hagia Sophia on West's terms, when Emperor [[Constantine XI Palaiologos]], under pressure from Rome, allows the union to be proclaimed.
*1453 [[Fall of Constantinople|Constantinople falls]] to invasion of the Ottoman Turks, ending Roman Empire; [[Hagia Sophia (Constantinople)|Hagia Sophia]] turned into a mosque; martyrdom of [[Constantine XI|Constantine XI Palaiologos]], last of the [[List of Byzantine Emperors|Byzantine Emperors]]; many Greek scholars escape to the West with books that become translated into Latin, triggering the [[w:Renaissance|Renaissance]].
==Post-Imperial era (1453-1821)==
*1455 Gutenberg makes first printed [[Bible]].
*1455-56 ''Confession of Faith'' by Patr. Gennadius of Constantinople.
*1456-1587 Byzantine [[w:Pammakaristos Church|Church of Theotokos Pammakaristos]] became the seat of the [[Church of Constantinople|Ecumenical Patriarchate]].
*1461 Death of Jonah, Metropolitan of Moscow; commemoration of the Apparition of the Pillar with the Robe of the Lord under it at Mtskheta in Georgia, [[October 1]].
*1462 Wonderworking icon of [[Mantamados|Archangel Michael of Mantamados]] created.
*1463 Bosnia becomes province of Ottoman Empire, with an estimated 36,000 families voluntarily accepting Islam, followed by a sustained process of assimilation to Islam.
*1480 Spanish Inquisition; meeting of the [[Theotokos of Vladimir]] icon in memory of saving Moscow from the invasion of Khan Ahmed.
*1492 Millennialist movements in Moscow, due to end of church calendar (year 7,000, according to the Byzantine [[w:Dating Creation|Date of Creation]]).
*1497 Martyrdom of Macarius, Metropolitan of Kiev, by invading Tatars.
*1503 [[Church of Russia#Non-Possessors|Possessor and Non-Possessor controversy]].
*1512 First Christian church erected in Americas in [[w:Santo Domingo|Santo Domingo]] by Spanish.
*1516 Desiderius Erasmus publishes "[[w:Textus Receptus|Textus Receptus]]" of New Testament on the basis of six late manuscripts of the Byzantine text-type.
*1517 [[Maximus the Greek]] invited to Russia to translate Greek service books and correct Russian ones; Martin Luther nails ''Ninety-Five Theses'' to door at Wittenburg, sparking Protestant Reformation; Ottomans conquer Jerusalem, Antioch and Alexandria.
*1522 Martin Luther translates [[New Testament]] into German and Reformation principle of ''[[w:Sola scriptura|Sola Scriptura]]'' becomes formalized.
*1526 [[Non-Possessors]] attack Tsar Vassily III for divorcing his wife and are driven underground.
*1529 First Ottoman [[w:Siege of Vienna|Siege of Vienna]], marking Ottoman Empire's apex and end of Ottoman expansion in central Europe.
*1534 King Henry VIII declares himself supreme head of the Church of England.
*1536 Publication of John Calvin's ''Institutes of the Christian Religion''.
*1536-41 [[w:Dissolution of the Monasteries|Dissolution of the Monasteries]] in England, Wales and Ireland.
*1537-41 Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilds the city walls of Jerusalem (the current walls of the [[w:Old City (Jerusalem)|Old City of Jerusalem]]), including sealing off the [[w:Golden Gate (Jerusalem)|Golden Gate]] in 1541 to prevent the [[Jesus Christ|Messiah's]] entrance.
*1540 Death of Emperor Lebna Dengel of Ethiopia; formal founding of [[w:Society of Jesus|Jesuits]].
*1541 Portuguese expeditionary force arrives in Ethiopia.
*1542 Ethiopians and Portuguese defeat Ahmad ibn Ibrahim Gran of Adal, neutralizing Adal threat to Ethiopia.
*1545-63 [[w:Council of Trent|Council of Trent]] held to answer the Protestant Reformation.
*1551 [[Council of the Hundred Chapters]] in Russia.
*1552 Death of [[Basil the Blessed]].
*1555 Abp. Gurian begins mission to Kazan.
*1563 Anglican Church's [[w:Thirty-Nine Articles|Thirty-Nine Articles]] of Religion published.
*1564 Jesuits arrive in Poland.
*1568 Pope Pius V recognizes four Great [[w:Doctor of the Church|Doctors]] of the Eastern Church, [[John Chrysostom]], [[Basil the Great]], [[Gregory the Theologian|Gregory of Nazianzus]], and [[Athanasius of Alexandria|Athanasius]].
*1569 Martyrdom of [[Philip of Moscow]], at the hands of Ivan IV Grozny.
*1569 [[w:Union of Lublin|Union of Lublin]] unites Kingdom of Poland and Grand Duchy of Lithuania into a single state, the [[w:Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth|Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth]], placing the [[w:Ruthenians|Ruthenian]] Orthodox lands of Belarus, and modern Ukraine under direct Roman Catholic rule.
*1571 Restoration of [[Church of Cyprus]] to Orthodox rule.
*1573 [[w:Pope Gregory XIII|Pope Gregory XIII]] establishes Congregation for the Greeks, a committee of cardinals who addressed issues relating to the Greeks in southern Italy and Sicily in the hope of resolving tensions between Greeks and Latins.
*1573-81 Correspondence of Patr. [[Jeremias II of Constantinople]] with Lutherans.
*1575 [[Church of Constantinople]] grants [[autonomy]] to [[Church of Sinai]].
*1576 [[w:Pope Gregory XIII|Pope Gregory XIII]] establishes Pontifical Greek College of St. Athanasius (popularly known as the 'Greek College') in Rome, which he charged with educating Italo-Byzantine clerics.
*1579 Death of [[Gerasimus of Kefalonia]].
*1581 Ostrozhsky Bible printed by Prince Kurbsky and Ivan Fedorov.
*1582 Institution of the [[Gregorian Calendar]] by Pope Gregory XIII; death of [[w:Teresa of Ávila|Teresa of Ávila]], prominent Spanish mystic.
*1583 [[Sigillion of 1583]] issued against [[Gregorian Calendar]] by council convened in Constantinople.
*ca.1587-Present. The relatively modest [[w:Church of St. George, Istanbul|Church of St George]] in the Phanar district of Istanbul becomes the seat of the [[Church of Constantinople|Ecumenical Patriarchate]].
*1589 [[Autocephaly]] and [[canonical territory]] of [[Church of Russia]] recognized, as Patr. Jeremias II of Constantinople raises Metr. Job of Moscow to the rank of [[Patriarch]] of Moscow and of All Russia.
*1596 [[Union of Brest-Litovsk]], several million Ukrainian and Byelorussian Orthodox Christians, living under Polish rule, leave the [[Church of Constantinople]] and recognize the Pope of Rome, without giving up their Byzantine liturgy and customs, creating the [[Uniate]] church.
*ca. 1600-1700 Conversion of Albania to Islam mainly through discriminatory tax system, the ''Djize''.
*1604 Death of [[Juliana of Lazarevo]].
*1607 Death of Patr. [[Job of Moscow]].
*1609-10 [[w:Douay-Rheims Bible|Douay-Rheims Bible]] printed, first complete English Roman Catholic Bible, translated from [[Vulgate]].
*1611 [[w:Authorized King James Version|Authorized King James Version]] of the Bible printed.
*1612 Martyrdom of Patr. [[Hermogenes of Moscow]]; [[Our Lady of Kazan]] icon commemorates the deliverance from Poles.
*1625 ''Confession of Faith'' by Metrophanes Kritopoulos written.
*1627 Pope [[Cyril Lukaris]] of Alexandria presents [[Codex Alexandrinus]] to King Charles I of England for safe keeping.
*1633 Ethiopian emperor [[w:Fasilides of Ethiopia|Fasilides]] expels Jesuits and other Roman Catholic missionaries from Ethiopia.
*1642 [[Council of Jassy]] (Iaşi) revises [[Peter Mogila]]'s confession to remove overtly Roman Catholic theology and confirms canonicity of certain [[Deuterocanon|deuterocanonical]] books.
*1645-69 [[w:Cretan War (1645–1669)|Cretan War]] between the Ottoman Empire and Venice.
*1646 [[w:Union of Uzhhorod|Union of Uzhhorod]] joins 63 Ruthenian Orthodox priests from the Carpathian Mountains to Roman Catholic Church on terms similar to [[Union of Brest]].
*1647 Orthodox church erected in Tunisia.
*1649 Martyrdom of [[Athanasius of Brest-Litovsk]] by the Latins.
*1650-1700 Ottoman [[w:Istanbul|Constantinople]] is [[w:List of largest cities throughout history|largest city in the world]] by population.
*1652 School and hospital established in Old Cairo by Patr. Joannikios.
*1652-1658 Patriarch [[Nikon of Moscow]] revises liturgical books to bring them into conformity with the Greek liturgical customs, leading to mass excommunication and schism of dissenters, who become known as [[Old Believers]].
*1654 Appearance of icon of [[Theotokos of the Kievan Brotherhood]].
*1656 [[Voskresensky Monastery]] founded by Patr. [[Nikon of Moscow|Nikon]] at Istra near Moscow, intended to represent the Heavenly Jerusalem.
*1665 Greek Jewish kabbalist [[w:Sabbatai Zevi|Sabbatai Sevi]] hailed by Jews of Palestine as the [[Jesus Christ|Messiah]], but then converts to Islam before the Ottoman Sultan to save his life.
*1667 Annexation of most of [[Kievan Rus']] by Tsar of Muscovite Kingdom.
*1669 Greek island of Crete taken by Ottoman Empire from Venetians.
*1672 [[w:Synod of Jerusalem|Synod of Jerusalem]] convened by Patr. [[Dositheos II of Jerusalem|Dositheos Notaras]], refuting article by article the Calvinistic confession of [[Cyril Lucaris]], defining Orthodoxy relative to Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, and defining the Orthodox Biblical canon; acts of this council are later signed by all five patriarchates (including Russia).
*1675 Appearance of icon of [[Theotokos of Pochaiv]].
*1683 Second Ottoman [[w:Battle of Vienna|Siege of Vienna]], capital of the Holy Roman Empire.
*1685 Orthodoxy introduced in Beijing by [[Church of Russia]].
*1688 Appearance of [[Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow|Joy of All Who Sorrow]] icon.
*1689 [[w:Great Serb Migrations|Great Serb Migrations]] of hundreds of thousands of Serbian refugees from Kosovo and Serbia proper, leaving a vacuum filled by flood of Albanian immigrants.
*1700-02 Submission of the dioceses of Lemberg (Lviv) and Luzk (Lutsk) in the [[w:Galicia (Central Europe)|Galician]] area of Ukraine to Roman Catholic Church completes [[Union of Brest-Litovsk]], so that two-thirds of the Orthodox in western Ukraine had become Greek Catholic.
*1707-20 Grabbe's edition of the [[Septuagint]] published at Oxford, reproducing (imperfectly) the ''Codex Alexandrinus'' of London.
*1715 Metr. [[Arsenios of Thebaid]] sent to England by Pope [[Samuel of Alexandria]] to negotiate with [[Non-Jurors|Non-Juror]] Anglican bishops.
*1716-25 Correspondence of Ecumenical Patriarch and Russian Czar with English Non-Jurors.
*1721 Czar [[Peter I of Russia]] replaces Russian patriarchate with a ruling [[holy synod]].
*1724 [[Melkite Greek Catholic Church|Melkite]] schism, in which many faithful from the [[Church of Antioch]] become [[Uniate]]s.
*1731 Death of [[Innocent of Irkutsk]].
*1754 Hesychast Renaissance begins with the [[Kollyvades Movement]].
*1755 Synod of Constantinople declares Roman Catholic baptism invalid and ordered baptism of converts from Roman Catholicism.
*1756 ''[[Sigillion of 1756]]'' issued against the [[Gregorian Calendar]] by Patr. [[Cyril V of Constantinople]].
*1760 [[Holy Trinity St. Seraphim-Diveyevo Convent]] founded in Russia.
*1767 Community of Orthodox Greeks establishes itself in New Smyrna, Florida; Ottoman Empire legally divides [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Church of the Holy Sepulchre]] among claimants.
*1767-1815 [[w:Suppression of the Society of Jesus|Suppression of the Jesuits]] in Roman Catholic countries, subsequently finding refuge in Orthodox nations, particularly in Russia.
*1768 Jews are massacred during riots in Russia-occupied Poland.
*ca. 1770 About 1,200 Kiev region Uniate churches return to Orthodoxy under political pressure from Russia.
*1774 Russia and Ottoman Empire sign [[w:Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca|treaty of Kuchuk-Kainarji]], bringing Russia for the first time into the Mediterranean as the acknowledged protector of Orthodox Christians.
*1779 Death of [[Kosmas Aitolos]].
*1782 First publication of ''[[Philokalia]]''; [[autonomy]] of [[Church of Sinai]] confirmed by [[Church of Constantinople]].
*1793-95 Over 2,300 Uniate churches became Orthodox under Tsarina Catherine the Great.
*1794 Missionaries, including [[Herman of Alaska]], arrive at Kodiak Island, bringing Orthodoxy to Russian Alaska; death of [[Paisius Velichkovsky]] of Moldova and Mt. Athos.
*1796 [[Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain|Nicodemus the Hagiorite]] publishes ''[[Unseen Warfare]]'' in Venice.
*1800 ''[[The Rudder]]'' published and printed in Athens.
*1803 Death of [[Xenia of St. Petersburg]].
*1804 [[w:British and Foreign Bible Society|British and Foreign Bible Society]] founded.
*1805 Death of [[Makarios of Corinth]], a central figure in the Kollyvades movement.
*1808 Death of Hieromartyr Nikita the Slav, of Mount Athos.
*1809-10 Rotunda and edicule exterior of [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Church of the Holy Sepulchre]] rebuilt after fire in Ottoman Baroque style.
*1811 [[Autocephaly]] of the [[Church of Georgia]] revoked by the Russian imperial state after Georgia's annexation, making it subject to the [[Church of Russia]].
*1814 Martyrdom of Euthymius and Ignatius of [[Mount Athos]].
*1815 [[Peter the Aleut]] tortured and martyred in San Francisco, California.
*1816 [[w:American Bible Society|American Bible Society]] founded; martyrdom of Acacius of Athos.
*1819 Council at Constantinople endorses views of Kollyvades fathers.
==Modern era (1821-1917)==

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