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Timeline of Church History

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Byzantine era (451-843): (more)
*838 Caliph al-Mu'tasim captures and destroys Ammoria in Anatolia.
*ca. 839 First [[w:Paphlagonian expedition of the Rus|Rus'-Byzantine War]], where the Rus attacked Propontis (probably aiming for Constantinople) before turning east and raiding Paphlagonia.
==Late Byzantine era (843-1453)==
*843 [[Triumph of Orthodoxy]] occurs on first Sunday of [[Great Lent]], restoring [[iconography|icons]] to churches.
*845 42 Martyrs of Ammoria in Phrygia taken as hostages from Ammoria to Samarra (in Iraq) and executed there; noted Greek scholar [[w:Johannes Scotus Eriugena|Johannes Scotus Erigena]] takes over the Palatine Academy in France.
*846 Muslim raid of Rome.
*850 [[Third Finding of the Head of St. John the Forerunner|Third Finding]] of the head of [[John the Forerunner]] ; Bishop Censteg of Dingerein in Cornwall accepts the authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
*852 [[Ansgar]] founds churches at Hedeby and Ribe in Denmark.
*858 [[Photius the Great]] becomes patriarch of Constantinople.
*860 [[w:Rus'-Byzantine War (860)|Second Rus-Byzantine War]], a naval raid and the first siege of Constantinople by the Rus.
*ca. 860 [[w:Christianization of the Rus' Khaganate|Christianization of the Rus' Khaganate]].
*861 [[Cyril and Methodius]] depart from Constantinople to [[Church of Russia#Conversion of the Slavs|missionize the Slavs]]; Council of Constantinople attended by 318 fathers and presided over by papal legates confirms [[Photius the Great]] as patriarch and passes 17 canons.
*862 [[Rastislav of Moravia]] converts to Christianity.
*863 First translations of [[Holy Scripture|Biblical]] and liturgical texts into [[Church Slavonic]] by [[Cyril and Methodius]].
*863 Venetians steal relics of [[Apostle Mark]] from Alexandria.
*864 Baptism of Prince [[Boris of Bulgaria]]; [[Synaxis]] of the [[Theotokos]] in Miasena in memory of the return of her icon.
*865 Bulgaria under Khan [[Boris of Bulgaria|Boris I]] converts to [[Orthodox Church|Orthodox Christianity]].
*866 Vikings raid and capture York in England.
*867 Council in Constantinople held, presided over by [[Photius the Great|Photius]], which anathematizes Pope [[Nicholas I of Rome]] for his attacks on work of Greek missionaries in Bulgaria and use by papal missionaries of [[Filioque]]; Pope Nicholas dies before hearing news of excommunication; [[Basil the Macedonian]] has Emperor [[Michael III]] murdered and usurps Imperial throne, reinstating Ignatius as patriarch of Constantinople.
*867 Death of [[Kassiani the Hymnographer|Kassiani]], Greek-Byzantine poet and hymnographer, who composed the ''[[Hymn of Kassiani]]'', chanted during [[Holy Week]] on Holy Wednesday.
*869-870 [[Robber Council of 869-870]] held, deposing [[Photius the Great]] from the Constantinopolitan see and putting the rival claimant Ignatius on the throne, declaring itself to be the "Eighth Ecumenical Council."
*870 Conversion of Serbia; death of [[Rastislav of Moravia]]; Malta conquered from the Byzantines by the Arabs; martyrdom of [[w:Edmund the Martyr|Edmund]], King of East Anglia.
*874 Translation of relics of [[Nicephorus I of Constantinople|Nicephorus the Confessor]], interred in the [[Church of the Holy Apostles (Constantinople)|Church of the Holy Apostles]], Constantinople.
*877 Death of [[Ignatius I of Constantinople]], who appoints [[Photius the Great|Photius]] to succeed him.
*877 Arab Muslims conquer all of Sicily from Byzantium and make Palermo their capital.
*878 King [[w:Alfred the Great|Alfred the Great]] of Wessex defeats Vikings; the Treaty of Wedmore divides England between the Anglo-Saxons and the Danes (the [[w:Danelaw|Danelaw]]).
*879-880 [[Eighth Ecumenical Council]] held in Constantinople attended by 383 fathers passing 3 canons, confirms [[Photius the Great|Photius]] as Patriarch of Constantinople, anathematizes additions to the [[Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed]], and declares that the prerogatives and jurisdiction of the Roman pope and the Constantinopolitan patriarch are essentially equal; the council is reluctantly accepted by Pope [[John VIII of Rome]].
*883 Muslims burn the monastery of [[Monte Cassino]].
*885 [[Mount Athos]] gains political autonomy.
*885 Death of [[Cyril and Methodius|Methodius]].
*886 [[w:Glagolitic alphabet|Glagolitic alphabet]], (now called [[w:Old Church Slavonic|Old Church Slavonic]]) adopted in Bulgarian Empire; St [[w:Alfred the Great|Alfred the Great]], King of Wessex, captures London from the Danes.
*888 Foundation of [[w:Shaftesbury Abbey|Shaftesbury Abbey]].
*902 Taormina, the last Byzantine stronghold in Sicily, is captured by the Aghlabid Arabs.
*904 Thessalonika sacked and pillaged by Saracen pirates under [[w:Leo of Tripoli|Leo of Tripoli]], a Greek pirate serving Saracen interests.
*907 Third [[w:Rus'-Byzantine War (907)|Rus-Byzantine War]], a naval raid of Constantinople (''or [[w:Tsargrad|Tsargrad]] in Old Slavonic'') led by Varangian Prince [[w:Oleg of Novgorod|Oleg of Novgorod]], which was relieved by peace negotiations.
*899 Death of [[Alfred the Great]].
*911 [[Protection of the Mother of God|Holy Protection of the Virgin Mary]]; Russian envoys visit Constantinople to ratify a treaty, sent by Oleg, Grand Prince of Rus'.
*912 Normans become Christian; [[w:Nicholas Mystikos|Nicholas I Mysticus]] becomes Patriarch of Constantinople.
*927 [[Church of Bulgaria]] recognized as [[autocephaly|autocephalous]] by [[Church of Constantinople|Constantinople]].
*931 Abbott [[w:Odo of Cluny|Odo of Cluny]] reforms monasteries in Aquitaine, northern France, and Italy, starting the [[w:Cluniac Reforms|Cluniac Reform movement]] within the [[Benedict of Nursia|Benedictine order]], focused on restoring the traditional monastic life, encouraging art and caring for the poor.
*933 Death of Patr. [[Tryphon of Constantinople]].
*935 Martyrdom of [[Wenceslaus]], prince of the Czechs.
*941 Fourth [[w:Rus'-Byzantine War (941)|Rus-Byzantine War]].
*944 City of Edessa recovered by Byzantine army, including [[Icon Not Made By Hands]] ; The [[Western Rite|Western Rite]] Monastery of the Holy Saviour is established in Constantinople under Imperial favour.
*945 [[Dunstan of Canterbury|Dunstan]] becomes Abbot of [[w:Glastonbury Abbey|Glastonbury]].
*948 Future Holy Roman Emperor Otto I the Great founds missionary dioceses of Brandenburg, Havelburg, Ribe, Aarhus, and Schleswig.
*ca. 950 [[Monastery of Hosios Loukas]] founded near Stiris in Greece.
*957 [[Olga of Kiev]] baptized in Constantinople.
*960 Emperor [[Nicephorus II]] Phocas re-captures [[w:Crete|Crete]] for Byzantines; [[Dunstan of Canterbury|Dunstan]] becomes [[Archbishop of Canterbury]], reforming monasteries and enforcing rule of [[Benedict of Nursia|Benedict]].
*962 Denmark becomes Christian nation with [[baptism]] of King Harald Blaatand ("Bluetooth"); [[w:Holy Roman Empire|Holy Roman Empire]] formed, with Pope John XII crowning Otto I the Great Holy Roman Emperor; ''Diploma Ottonianum'' is co-signed by Pope John XII and Otto, confirming the earlier [[w:Donation of Pepin|Donation of Pepin]], granting control of [[w:Papal States|Papal States]] to the Popes, regularizing Papal elections, and clarifying the relationship between Popes and oly Roman Emperors.
*963 [[Athanasius of Athos]] establishes first major monastery on [[Mount Athos]], the [[Great Lavra (Athos)|Great Lavra]].
*965 Emperor [[Nicephorus II]] Phocas gains Cyprus completely for the Byzantines; [[w:Sviatoslav I of Kiev|Sviatoslav of Kiev]] destroys [[w:Khazars|Khazar]] imperial power, as the Khazar fortresses of Sarkel and Tamatarkha fall to the Rus'.
*966 Anti-Christian riots in Jerusalem.
*968 [[Rila Monastery]] founded; Sviatoslav of Kiev defeats Bulgarians at the [[w:Battle of Silistra|Battle of Silistra]], precipitating the collapse of the First Bulgarian Empire.
*968-71 Fifth [[w:Rus'-Byzantine War (968-971)#Campaigns in the Balkans|Rus-Byzantine War]], resulting in a Byzantine victory over the coalition of Rus', Pechenegs, Magyars, and Bulgarians in the [[w:Battle of Arcadiopolis|Battle of Arcadiopolis]], and the defeat of [[w:Sviatoslav I of Kiev|Sviatoslav of Kiev]] by [[w:John I Tzimiskes|John I Tzimiskes]].
*969 Death of [[Olga of Kiev]]; Emperor [[w:Nikephoros II|Nikephoros II Phokas]] captures Antioch and Aleppo from Arabs.
*972 Emperor [[w:John I Tzimiskes|John I Tzimiskes]] grants [[Mount Athos]] its first charter ([[Typikon]]).
*973 [[w:Great Moravia|Moravia]] assigned to the Diocese of Prague, putting the West Slavic tribes under jurisdiction of German church.
*975 Emperor [[w:John I Tzimiskes|John I Tzimiskes]] in a Syrian campaign takes Emesa, Baalbek, Damascus, Tiberias, Nazareth, Caesarea, Sidon, Beirut, Byblos and Tripoli, but fails to take Jerusalem.
*978 Death of King [[Edward the Martyr]].
*980 Revelation of the ''[[Axion Estin]]'' (the hymn "It Is Truly Meet"), with the appearance of the [[Archangel Gabriel]] to a monk on [[Mount Athos]].
*980-5 The [[Western Rite|Western Rite]] Monastery of Amalfion is founded on [[Mount Athos|Mount Athos]].
*983 Martyrdom of Theodore the [[w:Varangian Guard|Varangian]] and his son John of Kiev.
*987 Sixth [[w:Rus'-Byzantine War (987)#Baptism of Vladimir|Rus-Byzantine War]], where [[Vladimir of Kiev]] dispatches troops to the Byzantine Empire to assist Emperor [[w:Basil II|Basil II]] with an internal revolt, agreeing to accept [[Orthodox Christianity]] as his religion and bring his people to the new faith.
*988 [[Baptism of Rus']] begins with the conversion of [[Vladimir of Kiev]] who is baptized at [[w:Chersonesos|Chersonesos]], the birthplace of the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox churches; Vladimir marries Anna, sister of Byzantine emperor Basil II.
*992 Death of [[Michael of Kiev|Michael]], first Metropolitan of Kiev.
*995 [[Olaf of Norway]] proclaims Norway to be a Christian kingdom; relics of [[Cuthbert of Lindisfarne|Cuthbert]] transferred with his community to Durham.
*1000 Conversion of Greenland and Iceland.
*1008 Conversion of Sweden.
*1009 Patr. [[Sergius II of Constantinople]] removes name of Pope [[Sergius IV of Rome]] from [[diptychs]] of [[Church of Constantinople|Constantinople]], because the pope had written a letter to the patriarch including the [[Filioque]].
*1009 [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Church of the Holy Sepulchre]] in Jerusalem destroyed by the "mad" Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, founder of the [[w:Druze|Druze]].
*1012 Martyrdom of [[Alphege of Canterbury|Alphege]], Archbishop of Canterbury; Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah issues oppressive decrees against Jews and Christians including the destruction of all Christian and Jewish houses of worship.
*1013 Jews expelled from caliphate of Córdoba.
*1014 [[Filioque]] used for first time in Rome by Pope [[Benedict VIII of Rome|Benedict VIII]] at coronation of Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor.
*1015 Death of [[Vladimir of Kiev]].
*1017 Danish king Canute converts to Christianity.
*1022 Death of [[Simeon the New Theologian]].
*1024 Seventh [[w:Rus'-Byzantine War (1024)|Rus-Byzantine War]], Byzantine naval victory.
*1027 Frankish protectorate over Christian interests in Jerusalem is replaced by a Byzantine protectorate, which begin reconstruction of [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Holy Sepulchre]].
*1036 Byzantine [[w:Michael IV the Paphlagonian|Emperor Michael IV]] makes a truce with the Caliph of Egypt to allow rebuilding of the [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Church of the Holy Sepulchre]] by Byzantine masons; [[w:Varangian Guard|Varangian Guard]] of the Byzantine Emperor sent to protect pilgrims.
*1043 Eighth and last [[Rus'-Byzantine War (1043)|Rus'-Byzantine War]], an unsuccessful naval raid against Constantinople; [[Edward the Confessor|Edward the Confessor]] crowned King of England at Winchester Cathedral; [[w:University of Constantinople|University of Constantinople]] is re-organized under [[w:Michael Psellos|Michael Psellos]].
*1045-50 [[St. Sophia Cathedral (Novgorod)|Cathedral of Saint Sophia in Novgorod]] built, the oldest Orthodox church building in Russia, executed in an architectural style more austere than the Byzantine, reminiscent of the [[w:Romanesque architecture|Romanesque]].
*1048 Re-consecration of [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Holy Sepulchre]].
*1051 [[Monastery of the Kiev Caves]] founded.
*1052 [[Edward the Confessor]] founds Westminster Abbey, near London.
*1053 Death of [[Lazarus the Wonder-worker]] of Mount Galesius near Ephesus.
*1054 Cardinal [[Humbert]] excommunicates [[Michael Cerularius]], patriarch of Constantinople, a major centerpoint in the formation of the [[Great Schism]] between East and West; First Letter of [[Michael Cerularius]] to Peter of Antioch.
*1059 Errors of Berengar of Tours condemned in Rome; term ''transubstantiation'' begins to come in to use, ascribed to [[Peter Damian]].
*1064 [[w:Seljuk Turks|Seljuk Turks]] storm Anatolia taking Caesarea and Ani, conquering Armenia.
*1066 Normans invade England flying banner of Pope of Rome, defeating King [[Harold of England]] at Battle of Hastings.
*1066-1171 Beginning reformation of English church and society to align with Latin continental ecclesiology and politics.
*1071 [[w:Seljuk Turks|Seljuk Turks]] defeat Byzantines at the [[w:Battle of Manzikert|Battle of Manzikert]], beginning Islamification of Asia Minor; Norman princes led by [[w:Robert Guiscard|Robert Guiscard]] capture Bari, the last Byzantine stronghold in Italy, bringing to an end over five centuries of [[w:Catapanate of Italy|Byzantine rule in the south]].
*ca. 1071-1176 Byzantine epic poem [ "Digenes Akrites"].
*1073 Hildebrand becomes Pope [[Grgeory VII of Rome|Gregory VII]] and launches the [[w:Gregorian Reform|Gregorian reforms]] (celibacy of the clergy, primacy of papacy over empire, right of Pope to depose emperors); Seljuk Turks conquer Ankara.
*1074 Death of [[Theodosius of the Kiev Caves]].
*1075 ''[[w:Dictatus papae|Dictatus Papae]]'' document advances Papal supremacy.
*1077 The Seljuk Turks capture Jerusalem and kill 3,000 citizens; Seljuks capture Nicea.
*1084 Antioch is captured by the Seljuk Turks from the Byzantines.
*1087 Translation of the relics of [[Nicholas of Myra]] from Myra to Bari.
*1088 Founding of monastery of [[Apostle John|John the Theologian]] on Patmos; election of Pope [[w:Pope Urban II|Urban II]], a prominent member of the [[w:Cluniac Reforms|Cluniac Reform movement]] .
*1095 Launching of the [[w:First Crusade|First Crusade]].
*1096 Persecution of Jews by Crusaders.
*1098 Anselm of Canterbury completes ''Cur Deus homo'', marking a radical divergence of Western theology of the atonement from that of the East.
*1098 Crusaders capture Antioch.
*1099 Crusaders capture Jerusalem founding the [[w:Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem|Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem]] and other crusader states known collectively as "[[w:Outremer|Outremer]]."
*1108 Death of Nicetas of [[Monastery of the Kiev Caves|Kiev Caves]], Bishop of Novgorod.
*1113 Latin Order of [[w:Knights Hospitaller|Knights Hospitaller]] founded as a religious/military order under its own charter, charged with the care and defense of the Holy Land and pilgrims.
*1118 Latin Order of [[w:Knights Templar|Knights Templar]] founded.
*ca. 1131-45 Coptic Pope of Alexandria [[w:Pope Gabriel II of Alexandria|Gabriel II]] initiates addition of Arabic as a liturgical language with his Arabic translation of the [[Divine Liturgy|Liturgy]].
*ca. 1120-1220 Spread of Aristotelian philosophy throughout Western Europe, mostly via the translations of [[w:Averroes|Averroes]] and [[w:Maimonides|Maimonides]].
*1120 [[w:Council of Nablus|Council of Nablus]] is held in Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem.
*1127-1145 [[w:Constantinople|Constantinople]] [[w:List of largest cities throughout history|largest city in the world]] by population.
*1144 Bernard of Clairvaux calls for a [[w:Second Crusade|Second Crusade]] to rescue the besieged Latin kingdom of Jerusalem; Kings Louis VII of France and Konrad III of Germany join Crusaders, but are defeated by Muslims; Muslims take Christian stronghold of Edessa.
*1147 Moscow founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruki, a ruler of the northeastern Rus'; [[w:Roger II of Sicily|Roger II of Sicily]] takes Corfu from the Byzantine Empire, and pillages Corinth, Athens and Thebes.
*1149 Crusaders begin to renovate [[Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem)|Church of the Holy Sepulchre]] in Romanesque style, adding a bell tower.
*1159 [[w:John of Salisbury|John of Salisbury]] authors ''[[w:Policraticus|Policraticus]]'', a treatise on government drawing from the [[Holy Scripture|Bible]], the [[w:Corpus Juris Civilis|Codex Justinianus]], and arguing for [[w:Divine Right of Kings|Divine Right of Kings]].
*1164 Uncovering of the relics of [[Leontius of Rostov]].
*1170 Miracle of the weeping icon of the [[Theotokos]] "of the Sign" at Novgorod; Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland; city of Dublin captured by the Normans.
*1176 [[w:Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm|Sultanate of Rum]] defeats Byzantine Empire in the [[w:Battle of Myriokephalon|Battle of Myriokephalon]], marking end of Byzantine attempts to recover Anatolian plateau; Al-Adil I, Muslim ruler of Egypt, suppresses a revolt by Christian Copts in city of Qift, hanging nearly 3,000 of them.
*1177 Latin King Baldwin of Jerusalem and his knights, with Templars, defeat Muslim army of Saladin at [[w:Battle of Montgisard|Battle of Montgisard]].
*1179 Death of [[w:Hildegard of Bingen|Hildegard von Bingen]].
*1180 Last formal acceptance of Latins to communion at an Orthodox altar in Antioch.
*1182 [[Maronite Catholic Church|Maronites]], who assisted the Crusaders during the Crusades, reaffirm their affiliation with Rome in 1182; dedication of [[w:Monreale#The_Cathedral|Monreale Cathedral]] in Sicily, containing the largest cycle of Byzantine mosaics extant in Italy.
*1185 [[w:Second Bulgarian Empire|Second Bulgarian Empire]] founded.
*1186 Byzantine Empire recognizes independence of Bulgaria and Serbia.
*1187 [[w:Saladin|Saladin]] retakes Jerusalem after destroying crusader army at [[w:Battle of Hattin (1187)|Battle of Hattin]], and returns Christian holy places to [[Church of Jerusalem|Orthodox Church]].
*1189 [[w:Third Crusade|Third Crusade]] led by King Richard the Lion-Hearted of England, King Philip Augustus II of France, and Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.
*ca. 1189 Ethiopian Emperor [[w:Gebre Mesqel Lalibela|Gebre Mesqel Lalibela]] orders construction of [[w:Lalibela|Lalibela]].
*1191 Cyprus taken from Byzantines by English King Richard I the Lion-hearted.
*1198 Cyprus sold by England to Frankish crusaders.
*1204 Fourth Crusade [[Sacking of Constantinople|sacks Constantinople]], laying waste to the city and stealing many [[relics]] and other items; [[Great Schism]] generally regarded as having been completed by this act; [[w:Theodore I Laskaris|Theodore I Lascaris]] establishes the [[w:Empire of Nicaea|Empire of Nicaea]]; death of Jewish philosopher [[w:Maimonides|Moses Maimonides]], author of ''[[w:The Guide for the Perplexed|Guide for the Perplexed]]'' which harmonized the Old Testament with Aristotle.
*ca. 1204-75 Martyrdom by Latins of monks of [[Iveron Monastery (Athos)|Iveron Monastery]].
*ca.1207 [[w:Stephen Langton|Stephen Langton]] divides the Bible into the defined modern chapters in use today.
*1211 Venetian crusaders conquer Byzantine Crete, retaining it until ousted by Ottoman Turks in 1669.
*1212 [[w:Children's Crusade|Children's Crusade]], led by 12-year-old Stephen of Cloyes, sets out for Holy Land from France.
*1213 Death of [[Tamar of Georgia]].
*1216 Latin [[w:Dominican Order|Dominican Order]] formally recognized.
*1217-21 [[w:Fifth Crusade|Fifth Crusade]].
*ca.1220 English Bp. [ Richard Le Poore ] is said to have been responsible for the final form of the "[[Sarum Use|Use of Sarum]]", which had the sterling reputation of being the best liturgy anywhere in the West.
*1223 Latin [[w:Franciscan|Franciscan Order]] formally recognized.
*1226 Latin [[w:Carmelites|Carmelite order]] formally recognized.
*1228 [[w:Sixth Crusade|Sixth Crusade]] results in 10-year treaty starting in 1229 between Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II and Egyptian sultan; Jerusalem ceded to Franks, along with a narrow corridor to the coast, as well as Nazareth, Sidon, Jaffa and Bethlehem.
*1235 Death of [[Sava of Serbia]].
*1237 Golden Horde begin [[Church of Russia#Mongol Tartars over Russia (1237-1448)|subjugation of Russia]].
*1240 Mongols sack Kiev; Prince [[Alexander Nevsky]] defeats Swedish army at [[Battle of the Neva]].
*1242 [[Alexander Nevsky]]'s Novgorodian force defeats Teutonic Knights in [[w:Battle of the Ice|Battle of Lake Peipus]], a major defeat for the Catholic crusaders.
*1244 Jerusalem conquered and razed by [[w:Khwarezm|Khwarezmian]] mercenaries (Oghuz Turks) serving under the [[w:Ayyubid dynasty|Ayyubid]] ruler of Egypt Salih Ayyub, triggering Seventh Crusade.
*1245 First Council of Lyons in the Roman Catholic Church mandates red hat for cardinals and a levy for the Holy Land.
*1247 [[w:Ayyubid dynasty|Ayyubids]] conquer Jerusalem, driving out the Khwarezmian Turks.
*1248-54 [[w:Seventh Crusade|Seventh Crusade]].
*1258 [[Michael VIII Palaiologos]] seizes the throne of the Nicaean Empire, founding the last Roman (Byzantine) dynasty, beginning reconquest of Greek peninsula from Latins; [[w:Salisbury Cathedral|Salisbury Cathedral]] is consecrated.
*1259 Byzantines defeat Latin [[w:Principality of Achaea|Principality of Achaea]] at the [[w:Battle of Pelagonia|Battle of Pelagonia]], marking the beginning of the Byzantine recovery of Greece.
*1260 Subjugation of [[Church of Cyprus]] to the [[Roman Catholic Church]].
*1261 End of Latin occupation of Constantinople and restoration of Orthodox patriarchs; Emperor [[Michael VIII Palaiologos]] makes [[Mystras]] seat of the new [[w:Despotate of Morea|Despotate of Morea]], where a Byzantine renaissance occurred.
*1268 Egyptian Mamelukes capture Antioch.
*1269 Orthodox patriarch returns to Antioch after a 171-year exile and usurpation by Latin patriarch.

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