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OrthodoxWiki talk:Administrators

413 bytes added, 02:55, August 20, 2008
Appeal of Fr. Andrew's Inequitable Treatment
:I have watched the by-play on the St Tikhon's Liturgy article. I am not knowledgeable about the liturgy and thus can't comment on it. But, I find the back and forth much like a "playground" dispute that a teacher is mediating and trying to end. As far as "punishments" a teacher can only treat the protagonists as they argue - thus the "punishments" can be "unequal". I don't find Fr. Andrew's comments out of order as the discussion seems to be a "he did it - no he did it." Let's be adults! Or are we getting into another "iota" argument. The 'big' one has lasted some 15 centuries. [[User:Wsk|Wsk]] 20:34, August 19, 2008 (UTC)
While I am not an administrator-- as someone who received a warning for an edit war from Father Andrew on a related topic and around the same time (which I have not formally disputed and will not because I was in the wrong), I also support Fr Andrew's moderation, as such warnings are applied not based on partisanship, but basic common sense. --[[User:JosephSuaiden|JosephSuaiden]] 02:55, August 20, 2008 (UTC)

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