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Book of Philemon

19 bytes added, 20:59, January 28, 2008
Purpose of the epistle: add linh
==Purpose of the epistle==
Paul addressed the epistle specifically to [[Apostle Philemon|Philemon]], his fellow [[apostles|apostle]]. Paul appeals directly to Philemon's Christian conscience in asking him to accept the return of [[Apostle Onesimus|Onesimus]], a runaway slave of Philemon's. Paul indicates that he converted Onesimus to Christianity (1:10-11), therefore making him "profitable" (or "useful"). Paul implores Philemon to treat Onesimus not as a slave but, like Paul, as a brother in Christ.
Additionally, Paul offers to take on all debts and transgressions that Onesimus owed to Philemon, just as Christ took on the sins of Man.
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