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Apostle Titus

285 bytes added, 04:16, November 6, 2007
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[[Image:Titus.jpg|frame|right|Holy Apostle Titus]]
The Holy holy, glorious and all-laudable '''Apostle Titus''' was born into idolatry on Crete, though he was of Greek origin. Having believed in [[Christ]] through the [[Apostle Paul]], he became Paul's [[disciple ]] and follower and labored with him greatly in the preaching of the [[Gospel]]. He was one of the [[Apostle|Seventy Apostles]].  ==His lifeLife==
In Jerusalem, St . Titus heard [[Christ]]'s preaching and believed in him. He then witnessed the suffering and death of the [[Jesus Christ|Savior ]] on the [[Cross]], his glorious [[Resurrection ]] and [[Ascension ]] to Heavenheaven. On the day of [[Pentecost]] the future apostle heard how the Twelve Apostles, after the descent of the [[Holy Spirit]], spoke in various languages, among which was the Cretan language ([[Acts of the Apostles|Acts]] 2: 11).
Paul [[consecration of a bishop|ordained ]] him [[Bishop]] of Crete, and he later wrote to him the [[epistle]] which bears his name.
St . Titus died peacefully at the age of 97 and is commemorated by the Church on [[August 25]].
[[Troparion]] ([[Tone ]] 3) :Holy Apostles [[Apostle Bartholomew |Bartholomew]] and Titus,
:Entreat the merciful God,
:To grant our souls forgiveness of transgressions.
:Therefore we cry out to you:
:Never cease to intercede for the sake of us all!
==External links==
*[ Apostle Titus] – From the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia([[GOAA]])*[ Apostle Titus of the Seventy and Bishop of Crete ] from ([[OCA]])*[ Titus the Apostle of the 70] ([[OCAGOARCH]] website)*[ The Apostle Titus] (''[[Prologue of Ohrid]]'')
[[Category:Biblical Saints|Titus]][[Category:Bishops|Titus]][[Category:Saints|Titus]]
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