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Bishoy (Nicola) of Damietta

7 bytes added, 22:51, March 20, 2007
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See also: [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], and [ Anba Bishoy's reply to his critics in the Egyptian Akher Sa'aa weekly Arabic magazine, issue 3755, dated 11 October 2006] and [ in this online article dated 29 October 2006].
In March 2007, the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches in Egypt officially and publicly protested in the newsmedia against Metropolitan Bishoy's teachings that Catholics and Protestants will not be saved, and that he would only stop attacking them if they publicly declare that they are not Christians, but since they are "claiming" to be Christians, he says that he has a duty to keep fighting them! . Audio and video recordings (on CD-ROM) of Anba Bishoy mentioning his intolerant teachings and mocking famous Catholic saints like St Mansour (Vincent) de Paul and St Rita of Cascia in front of hundreds of Coptic youths are on sale at the Coptic Orthodox Papal Residence, Cairo, Egypt, and can also be downloaded from the Internet.<sup>[],[]</sup>
==Biographical source==
interwiki, renameuser, Administrators

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