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5 bytes added, 12:25, February 11, 2005
== History ==
Marcion was a native of Sinope (modern Sinop, Turkey), in Pontus, Asia Minor. He was a wealthy shipowner. According to St . [[Hippolytus of Rome]], he was the son of a [[bishop]] who [[excommunication|excommunicated]] him on grounds of immorality. He eventually found his way to Rome (ca. 140) and became a major financial supporter of the Church there.
In the next few years after his arrival in Rome, he worked out his theological system and began to organize his followers into a separate community. He was excommunicated by the [[Church of Rome|Church at Rome]] in 144. From then on, he apparently used Rome as a base of operations, devoting his gift for organization and considerable wealth to the propagation of his teachings and the establishment of compact communities throughout the [[Roman Empire]], making converts of every age, rank and background.
A story told by [[Tertullian]] and St . [[Irenaeus of Lyons]] says that Marcion attempted to use his money to influence the Church to endorse his teaching, but was refused. His numerous critics throughout the Church include the aforementioned, along with St . [[Justin Martyr]], St . [[Ephraim of Syria]], [[Dionysius of Corinth]], [[Theophilus of Antioch]], [[Philip of Gortyna]], St . [[Hippolytus of Rome|Hippolytus]] and [[Rhodo]] in Rome, [[Bardesanes]] at Edessa, [[Clement of Alexandria]], and [[Origen]].
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