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Nicholas (Ziorov) of Warsaw

4 bytes added, 18:11, March 17, 2007
Michael Zacharovich Ziorov was born on [[May 21]], 1851, in the District of Kherson. He completed his education at the Moscow Theological Academy, graduating in 1878. While still a [[laity|layman]] he held the position of Inspector at the Vologda and the Mogilev [[seminary|seminaries]]. In 1887, he entered [[monastic]] life, receiving his [[tonsure]] and name of Nicholas. Later in the year he was [[ordination|ordained]] a [[deacon]] and then a [[priest]]. He was then appointed [[Rector ]] of the Moscow Theological Seminary. He continued in this position until [[September 29]], 1891, when he was consecrated Bishop of the Aleutian Islands and Alaska.
Bp. Nicholas was a stern person who presented himself with stately dignity. While quick tempered he was diplomatically careful and would good naturally make amends for his flare ups. He surrounded himself with able assistants, numbering among them such priests as [[Alexander Hotovitzky]], [[Theophilus (Pashkovsky) of San Francisco|Theodore Pashkovsky]], [[John Kochurov]], [[Alexis of Wilkes-Barre|Alexis Toth]], and [[Raphael of Brooklyn|Raphael Hawaweeny]] who are all well remembered for their services in the early 20th century. Since his arrival as Bishop of the North American diocese, the number of parishes kept growing as the numbers of people returning from the Unia continued. To provide communications among these parishes he initiated publication of the English-Russian-language weekly, the ''Russian American Messenger'' under the editorship of [[Alexander Hotovitsky]].

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