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14 bytes added, 17:17, January 19, 2006
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A '''Kontakion''' (also ''kondakion'', ''kondak'', and ''kontak''; plural ''kontakia'', ''kondakia'') is a type of thematic hymn in the Orthodox [[Church]] and other Eastern [[Christian]] churches. Originally, the kontakion was an extended [[homily]] in verse consisting of one or two proemia (preliminary stanzas) followed by several strophes, usually between 18 and 24. The kontakia were so long that the text was rolled up on a pole for use in the services -- the genesis of the name kontakion, which means "from the pole" in Greek. It is typical of the form that each of the proemia and strophes end with the same refrain. Acrostics are also a hallmark of this hymnographic form.
In current practice, the kontakion has been greatly abbreviated. Only the (first) proemium and first strophe are sung or read after the sixth ode of the [[canon]] at [[orthros]]. The proemium alone is sung at the [[Divine Liturgy]], following the [[troparion|troparia]], and most other services of the daily cycle. The kontakion is not sung at [[vespers]].

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