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Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia

17 bytes added, 21:56, November 26, 2005
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[[Image:StTaklaEl-HabashiIcon.jpg|right|thumb|Icon of St. Takla Haymanot the Ethiopian (''El-Habashi'')]] The great saint, '''Abba Takla Haymanot''' has a very prominent position in the [[Coptic]] Orthodox Church. The church celebrates an annual feast to commemorate the greatness of this [[Church of Ethiopia|Ethiopian]] saint (the saint's departure date/feast occurs on the 24th day of Mesra according to the Coptic calendar = [[August 31]]).
Since childhood, Feseha Zion performed many miracles. One such famous miracle occurred at the age of eighteen months. A famine had spread throughout the land of his family. As a result of the famine, Tsega Ze-Ab and his wife had nothing to celebrate the feast of their beloved Archangel Michael.
One day while Fesha Zion was being nursed he pointed to the flour basket, which was completely empty. His devout mother brought it to him and immediately when he touched the basket it became filled with flour. Basket after basket was placed before him until twelve overflowed with flour. She then decided to bring the oil jar to him. Fesha Zion placed his hand inside the jar and made the [[sign of the cross]]. Oil began to fill the jar. From this jar the mother poured oil into other jars until there was plenty for their monthly agape for the needy in honor of Archangel Michael.
When he was fifteen years old his reverent father took him to the Bishop of Amhara, Bishop Kyrillos, who saw a vision from God to ordain Feseha Zion a deacon. As a deacon he continued to perform miracles and began to heal the sick. Many confessed him to be a god, but he told them that only the One True God is worthy of honor, praise and worship.
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