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Sava (Raevsky) of Sydney

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Episcopal service: links
*1956 Jun 10: Foundations for Protection Church, Cabramatta (Sydney), blessed by Bp Sava. Two nuns, recently-arrived to Australia, attended the service. Bp Sava invited Fr Rostislav Gan to build a small convent and guide the Sisters.
*1956 Jul 9: Bp Sava transferred his residence to St Vladimir's Church in Centennial Park, to be freer of anti-episcopal elements at the cathedral in Strathfield.
*1956 Jul: Pdcn Peter Grishaev donated a 21 acre property in Kentlyn to diocese for the establishment of a monastery. Bp Sava sent Fr [[Dimitry (Obuhoff)]] around the country to speak on monasticism and invite candidates to establish a monastery, returning with three candidates to form [[Skete of St John the Baptist Skete (Kentlyn, New South WalesAustralia)|St John the Baptist Skete]]. Envisioned as a spiritual centre, a haven for elderly priests, and where families could relax in the summer months. The Russian Scouts were encouraged to have their summer camps on monastery land.
*1957 Mar: Elevated to Archbishop. Hospitalised with diverticulitis.
*1957-58: 6 priests and 2 deacons received into the diocese among the thousands of Russian migrants from communist China. Abp Sava was very active in sponsoring Russian migrants - both calling on individual sponsors from the community and the diocese sponsoring hundreds.
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