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Mount Royal

No change in size, 23:18, February 2, 2013
== History ==
Founded in 1910 as an Old Catholic monastery, Mount Royal's mission and work continued under [[Old Catholic]] auspices until 1962. In that year the community was received into the patriarchal Russian Orthodox Church by its American [[exarch]], Bishop [[Dositheus (Ivanchenko) of BrooklynNew York|Dositheus (Ivanchenko) of New York]]. For several years, the [[monk]]s of Mount Royal staffed a Western Rite chapel in the Russian Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Manhattan, later moving to Woodstock, New York. Bishop Dositheus' successor, Archbishop [[John (Wendland) of New York and the Aleutians|John (Wendland)]], blessed and confirmed the Western Rite observance and mission of Mount Royal and the leadership of its [[abbot]], Dom [[Augustine Whitfield]].
In 1975, under Abbot Augustine, the monastery was received into the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia by Archbishop [[Nikon (Rklitski) of Florida|Nikon (Rklitzsky)]], who again authorized and blessed its mission and observances.

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